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Australian national identity

As a multicultural society, Australia can no longer claim for British identity. Usually, the first thing people say about Australians after visiting Australia is that the people are so friendly and easy-going. This is definitely the most favourite attribute of Australians and is certainly put to good use considering how multi – cultural the country is.

Australians can be considered both – patriotic and unpatriotic. Most Australians will tell you that they would not want to live anywhere else and can’t understand why people would choose to live outside the country. On the other side of the coin, Australians are not fanatically loyal to their country and are the first to critize decisions made by their leaders. I truly believe that Australians are basically out for the best in life and sooner or later find it in their own country. Australians definitely feel isolated and so make a great effort to travel the world and see all there is to see. Usually, the kids by the time they are two had traveled to three or four continents. Australians get small doses of all the cultures of the world but they need to know more and even after extensive traveling they still say that Australia is the best place to live. I think australian patriotism is great in this aspect because that you should love the place you intend to live your life, although I think the concept of complete and utter devotion to ones country is a bit extreme. Basically, the Aussies are very depend on their own freedom and they wouldn’t live without help of the closest friends or neighbours. However, Australia is very young and not as experienced as Slovakia or other European countries, and that’s the reason why they’re quite different to Europeans. I don’t want to compare Australians to Slovaks but I have to because being an aussie for a while changed my mind and opinion about the Europeans. When I first woke up in Australia I thought it’s going to be another „not special“ day. I was wrong. When I went to my host grand parents and asked for a breakfast they gave me a toast bread, Vegemite and piece of fruit. In spite of this I asked them for a butter. They told me that they’re not using butter because it’s not healthy. Then I realised that eating butter and fatty foods like ham is not as common as in Europe. Evently they didn’t have mineral water – they had never heard about it… (with bubbles). I was a bit upset because I was still hungry after having a breakfast.

I noticed that their identity is different, even though I had been there just a day. This is more or less about eating habbits, but I think you should know how Australians maintain their lives. Nowadays they have a great variety of foods due to their multicultural identity.

People that have visited Australia characterized the Australians as independent, imbued with an ethic of mateship, laconic, irreverent, egalitarian, sharing and cooperative. The failure to create a common identity for to Australians has created a long debate on what is and is not Australian national identity. Several ideas offered to decide on what Australia national identity is not yet achieved a consensus, but are more inclusive and move from the rural to the urban.

claim - požiadavka,nárok,tvrdenie
considered - vziať do úvahy, domnievať sa
truly - úprimne, skutočne, verne
sooner or later - skôr či neskôr
intend - mať v úmysle, mieniť
utter - vysloviť, vyjadriť, úplný
devotion - oddanosť, oddať sa
evently - dokonca, práve, kedy, vždy
maintain - udržiavať, tvrdiť, podporovať
nowadays - teraz, v dnešnej dobe
due to - spôsobený (niečím)
ethic of mateship - etika priateľstva
irreverent - neúctivý
egalitarian - rovnostkársky
sharing - zdielanie,podielnictvo
cooperative - družstvo, družstevný
failures - vlasnosti
achieved - dosiahnutý, dokázať
consensus - zhoda, súhlas
rural - dedinský, vidiecky
urban - mestský, mesto
to imbue - napúšťať, naplniť
characterized - charakterizovať.

http://www.google.sk/search?q=australian+national+identity&ie=ISO-8859-2&hl=sk&meta= - www.google.sk/search?q=australian+national+identity&ie=ISO-8859-2&hl=sk&meta=
http://www.members.ozemail.com.au/~slacey/austidentity.htm - www.members.ozemail.com.au/~slacey/austidentity.htm

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