– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Streda, 22. januára 2025
Dátum pridania: 16.02.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: TerezaMajerova
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 458
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 1.3
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 3m 15s
It is better to laugh once than take a medicine three times.
Lost is the day when we don´t laugh.
From all beings man is the only one who is able to laugh, though he has the fewest reasons.
Old proverbs

There are some of many definitions I have read about laughter. I like them best.
And what is laughter? Laughter is physiological response to humor.
Some scientist say that man is the only one being who is able to laugh. It is true, because man has face muscles which help him to show various expressions.
Every man laughs in diffrent way and sends different sounds.
It isn´t any coincidence that words „laugh“ and „love“ have in English similar pronunciation. Thats why most people who are in love and happy laugh.

What makes me laugh?
Laughter is my every-day company. I like laughter and I laugh very often. And sometimes I laugh without any big reason. I suddenly start to laugh in school or in tram… I laugh because I am happy or when I remember some event. Native American people say: When you get up and don´t have any reason to laugh, mistake is in yourself and not in the day. And I have opportunities to laugh every day. Some people stumble or make some mistake…
There are a lot of jokes too. Some jokes are more funny, some less. But it surely eases tension and make me laugh. On television there are a lot of programs which entertain people. I don´t like shows where one or two entertainers amuse people with stories or jokes. It is pretencion. Not all, but majority of them do it only for money. So it can´t make me laugh. I like comedies, funny books…in short I like laughter.

Why is laughter healthy?
We know that the ability to laugh is helpful to coping with a major illness and the stresses of life. But researchers are now saying laughter can do a lot more - it can basically bring balance to all the components of the immune system, which helps us to fight off diseases. Laughter is relaxation and helps people to be natural and to forgot all problems. Suddenly the world seems to be better and happier. And because of this laughter is healthy.

Laughter is the best medicine.
When you are ill, you use medicine to get well. But when your body is ill, your mind is ill too. And for the mind the best medicine is laughter. But of course we can´t buy laughter in any pharmacy and it depends on each of us how often we will „take“ this best medicine.

Laughter is the best medicine, so I believe you will enjoy my essay and you will laugh.
Zdroje: Milada Kortmanová, Perly ducha, Knižní expres, 1999
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