– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Utorok, 11. februára 2025
Dátum pridania: 27.09.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: falsodar
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 968
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 3.4
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 30s


Hittites had many gods. For example:
• Uliliyassis
He is a minor god who, properly attended to, removes impotence.
• Kurunta?
This god's symbol is the stag. He is associated with rural areas.
• Kubaba
She is the chief goddess of the Neo-Hittites, she became Cybebe to the Phrygians and Cybele to the Romans.
• Yarris
He is a god of pestilence. A festival was held for him every autumn.

History of Hittites
During the second millennium BC lived the nation called Hittites, who spoke an Indo-European language, ruled over the 'Land of Hatti', in central and eastern Anatolia, that is modern Turkey. They had displaced the previous occupants, the Hattians, and ruled from the city of Hattusas near the modern Boghazkoy in northern central Turkey, possibly as early as 1900 BC.
Much of the Cappadocian plateau was under their control through kingdoms before 1800 BC and they profit from the thriving trade with the Assyrians. Around 1800 BC Anittas and his father Pitkhanas of Kussara sacked several Hittite cities, including Hattusas, though Anittas laid a curse upon that city and trade broke off until the founding of the Old Kingdom under King Labarnas around 1680 BC. He and his descendants greatly expanded the region of Hittite control, crossing the Taurus mountains and waging war on Syria and Assyria. King Mursilis (about 1620 to 1590 BC), Labarnas' grandson by adoption, brought down the Old Kingdom of Babylon - Hammurabi's dynasty. This expanded realm, also stretching to Anatolia's west coast, proved to susceptible to internal power struggles. In 1525 BC, Telepinus, last king of the Old Kingdom seized control and sacrificed some of the Western districts and all of the territory east of the Taurus mountains in favour of a more easily managed kingdom.
The Hurrians occupied the land between the Hittites and Assyria, having descended from the mountains south of the Caspian Sea. They ruled the kingdom of Mitanni. In the late 15th century BC the Hittite empire's beginning is marked by an influx of Hurrian names into the royal family. Tudhalyas I (1420 BC) reunited Western Anatolia under Hittite rule, and retook Aleppo but lost the Black Sea coast to the Kasha tribes. After some difficulty with the Mittani the Hittites resurged under King Suppilulimas around 1344-1322 taking a firmer hold on Syria. With Egypt, they dominated the lands of Canaan and the Levant during the 1200's. Their prosperity came to a sudden end when the invasion of the Sea Peoples coincided with increasing trouble from the Kaskas. While Hittite culture continued through about 700 BC, the Empire was shattered into several kingdoms and pressures such as the growing Assyrian Empire helped keep it from uniting again.
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