4.2.2 The Analysis
We could divide the results of our research into three main groups:
(a) Observations of stylistic and structural character
(b) Observations of universal translatological character
(c) Observations of lingvistic character
AD (a)
From the written above it is clear that there will be an occurrence of the literary elements together with elements of the scientific prose style. According to the structural analysis we can identify elements typical for both styles according to each linguistic levels. Following fragments of the texts contain basic characteristics of the scientific prose style and the style of literary works the way, they can be found in the source text and its translations.
1. Characteristics of the scientific prose style
Lexical inventory of the text represents a great amount of the notional words, which represents conceptuality of the scientific prose style:
eclipses – zatmenie, assumption – predpoklad, invention – objav, reflection – odraz, theory – teória, difficulty – problém, counterargument – protiargument, observation – pozorovanie, prediction – predpoveď, gravity – gravitácia, deduction – odvodenie, mechanics – mechanika, measurement – meranie
With conceptuality of the scientific prose style there is connected an effort for preciseness and technicality of the verbalization. Basic means, which insure these natures of the scientific prose style, are terms on the lexical level:
acceleration - urýchľovanie, gamma rays – lúče gama, diagram – schéma, dimension – dimenzia, space-time – časopriestor, circular orbits – obežné dráhy, spiral galaxy – špirálovitá galaxia, quantum hypothesis – kvantová hypotéza, big bang – veľký tresk, black hole – čierna diera, oxygen molecules – molekuly kyslíka
Scientific prose style works are often written in the first person plural, which has in these expressions general character:
“Nowadays we use this method to measure distances precisely, because we can measure time more accurately than lenght.” (original, page 33) or “Our modern picture of the universe dates back to only 1924, when Edwin Hubble demonstrated that ours was not the only galaxy.” (p.46)
„V súčasnosti používame práve túto metódu na presné určovanie vzdialeností, pretože čas môžeme merať presnejšie ako dĺžku.“ (translation, page 34) or „Náš moderný obraz vesmíru sa datuje len od roku 1924, keď Edwin Hubble presvedčivo ukázal, že naša Galaxia nie je jediná.“ (p. 48)
In the text of scientific prose style on the morphological level there are mainly substantives and adjectives at the expense of verbs, that´s why nominal expression is typical for these kinds of texts:
“The success of the unification of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces led to a number of attempts to combine these two forces with the strong nuclear force into what is called a grand unified theory.” (p.96)
„Úspech zjednotenia elektromagnetických a slabých síl viedol k množstvu pokusov skombinovať tieto dve sily so silnou jadrovou silou do teórie, ktorá sa nazýva veľká zjedotená teória.“ (p. 81)
“The effect of the increasing gravitational field of a contracting star on the surrounding space can be visualized by imagining space to be sensitive elastic sheet.” (p. 114)
„Efekt narastajúceho gravitačného poľa zmršťujúcej sa hviezdy na okolitý priestor sa prejavuje ako tu zobrazený priestor v tvare senzitívnej pružnej plochy.“ (passage not included in Slovak translation)
In scientific prose style texts there is a great need to express difficult thoughts and logical relations precisely and clearly, that`s why there is a great occurance of the subordinate complex sentences:
“Sice we know that every chemical element absorbs a characteristic spectrum of colors, by matching these what are missing from a star`s spectrum, we can designate exactly which elements are present in its atmosphere.” (p. 49)
„Keďže vieme, že každý chemický prvok absorbuje charakteristický súbor špecifických farieb, ich porovnaním s tými, ktoré chýbajú v spektre hviezdy, môžeme presne určiť, ktoré prvky sú prítomné v atmosfére hviezdy.“ (p. 50)
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