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Nedeľa, 24. novembra 2024
Stephen Hawking in slovak translation
Dátum pridania: 22.12.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: gari
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 23 116
Referát vhodný pre: Vysoká škola Počet A4: 79.6
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 132m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 199m 0s
2. Characteristics of the style of literary works

In the style of literary works the source of action, but also polysemy (reader`s association) are figures, which are results of the creative activity of the author subject.

absolute criteria – absolútne kritérium, irrational belief – iracionálna viera, charmed quark – šarmantný kvark

each flavor comes in three “colors,” red, green and blue (p. 85)
každá vôňa môže mať ešte tri „farby“: červenú, zelenú a modrú (p. 73)

Mercury feels the strongest gravitational effects – Merkúr pociťuje najsilnejšie gravitačné efekty, God abhors a naked singularity – Boh sa hrozí nahej singularity

The typical feature for the literary texts is presence of the author and his personal involvement at solving different tasks and situations. From morphological point of view there is the first person of the singular there:
“...I had a bet with Kip Thorne of the California Institute of Technology that in fact Cygnus X-1 does not contain a black hole. I have done a lot of work on black holes, and it would all be wasted if it turned out that black holes do not exist. But in that case, I would have the consolation of winning my bet, which would bring me four years of the magazine Private Eye.” (p. 124)
„...stavil som sa s Kipom Thornom z California Institute of Technology, že Cygnus X-1 neobsahuje čiernu dieru. Urobil som veľa práce v oblasti výskumu čiernych dier a všetka by bola nanič, keby sa ukázalo, že čierne diery neexistujú. Ale v tomto prípade mi bude útechou výhra v stávke, ktorá mi poskytne štyri ročníky časopisu Private Eye.“ (p. 101)

The interrogative sentences are the elements of subjectivity:
“Most people would find the picture of our universe as an infinite tower of tortoises rather ridiculous, but why do we think we know better? What do we know about the universe, and how do we know it? Where did the universe come from, and where is it doing? Did the universe have beginning, and if so, what happened before then?” (p. 2)
„Pre mnohých ľudí bude obraz nášho vesmíru ako nekonečnej veže korytnačiek trochu smiešny, ale prečo si myslíme, že my to vieme lepšie? Čo vieme o vesmíre a ako to vieme? Odkiaľ pochádza vesmír a kam smeruje? Má vesmír počiatok a ak je to tak, čo sa dialo predtým?“ (p. 15)
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