-Scientific-popular literature is usually assigned to the wide variety of readers, which means that their trim for theme differs:
[For example: “...These were called W+, W ˉ, and Z˚ and each had a mass of around 100 GeV...” (p. 93)
“...Nazývajú sa W+,W ˉ a Z˚, pričom každý z nich má hmotnosť okolo 100 GeV...” (p. 79]
In the physics of high energies is weight of particles indicated in electron-volts. For example, there in the Czech translation by Vladimír Karas, there is a footnote, explaining this to less experienced readers.
-The author`s way of expressing is sometimes pale, it is occasionally useful to explain or comment it:
[E.g.: “There are a number of different varietes of quarks: there are six “flavors,” which we call up, down, strange, charmed, bottom and top.” (p. 85)
“Existuje viacero odrôd kvarkov. Myslíme si, že ich je aspoň šesť a označujeme ich podľa „vône“ ako: horný, dolný, podivný, šarmantný, spodný a vrchný quark.” (p. 73)
“Markings of quarks comes out from the first letters of their English names: u from up, d from down, s from strange, c from charmed etc.”
It is wrong to translate their names, because then we lose their first
letters and the markings lose its sense. Also, flavors are not flavors in
its true sense, what is needed to explain for non-skilled reader.
-It sometimes happens, that between the publication of original and translation passes quite a long period of time. With regards to the fast development of science, there is a need to update some informations and knowledge included in original text:
For instance: “...na konci som spomenul Lindeho myšlienku o pomalom narúšaní symetrie a moje korekcie k nej. Medzi poslucháčmi bol mladý asistent Paul Steinhardt z Pennsylvánskej univerzity... ... Neskôr mi povedal, že si nepamätal na môj opis Lindeho myšlienok a Lindeho článok videl až vtedy, keď už dokončili svoj vlastný. Na Západe sa teraz jemu a Albrechtovi spolu s Lindem pripisuje spoločné autorstvo „nového inflačného modelu“...” (p. 132)
It is known, that right after the first publication of the book, Paul Steinhardt found the videotape of Hawking`s lecture and Hawking didn`t mention Linde`s work there. Afterwards, Hawking promised to withdraw this passage from all next publications of the book. This actually happened and the second, updated and expanded edition of the book doesn`t include it. Again, when comparing Slovak and Czech translations, the Czech one, published the same time, includes the note about it.
-In the country, what language is the original of, there could be in use different measures, abunits or signs or different literature about same theme or the language itself name the measures and explain their functions:
For example: “Elementary particles have a property called spin.” (p. 89)
“Elementárne častice majú vlastnosť, ktorá sa nazýva spin.” (p. 74)
The English verb “spin” means in Slovak “točiť sa, víriť, krúžiť”. This explains the function of spin.
Next example is: “...this force is carried by another spin-1 particle, called the gluon, which interacts only with itself and with the quarks...” (p. 95)
“táto sila je sprostredkovaná ďalšou časticou so spinom 1 nazývanom gluónom, ktorá interaguje len sama so sebou a s kvarkmi.” (p. 80)
The English word “glue” means in Slovak “lepidlo”. It explains that gluons stick quarks altogether.
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