Those are:
(i) Adherence of English word order
(ii) Redundance of passive constructions at the expense of actives
(iii) Often repetition of subject in the sentences
As the examples to support our reproaches we will mention these:
AD (i)
The sentence “When most people believed in an essentially static and unchanging universe...” (p. 23) is in Slovak translated as “Keď väčšina ľudí verila na v podstate klasický a nemenný vesmír...” (p. 22) On behalf of the fluency of utterance we could use following construction “vesmír v podstate statický a nemenný.” Also, for the same reason, we could reconstruct the translation of “Newton was very worried by this lack of absolute position, or absolute space, as it was called, because it did not accord with his idea of an absolute God.” (p. 28). Šurda`s solution was: “Newton bol veľmi znepokojený touto neexistenciou absolútnej polohy alebo absolútneho priestoru, ako to nazýval, pretože sa nezhodovala s jeho predstavou absolútneho Boha.” (p. 30) Our solution could be: “Neexistencia absolútnej polohy alebo absolútneho priestoru, ako to nazýval, Newtona znepokojovala, pretože sa nezhodovala s jeho predstavou absolútneho Boha.” Thus translation has a few facilities comparing to the Šurda`s one: it uses the sentencial stress, supplies the sequence with previous paragraph and the reason of worrying is closer to the own verb too. The use of demonstrative pronoun “touto” is redundant as well, what could be considered as valid for whole book.
AD (ii)
As mentioned above, we can find here many passive constructions, that are common for English language, but they invoke the feeling of unnaturality in Slovak translation. There are passive construnctions in use in strictly scientific publications too, but they lose that feeling there.
For instance, the English phrase “a number of such experiments have been carried out” (p. 75) was translated as “už bolo urobených mnoho takých experimentov” (p. 82). Or “This idea was elaborated by Ptolemy.” (p. 2) is in Slovak translation: “Táto myšlienka bola rozpracovaná Ptolemaiom.” (p. 16) And last but not least, the phrase “It seems implausible” (p. 76) was interpreted as “Zdá sa byť nepredstaviteľné” (p. 83).
Those constructions not only effect as disturbing, but don`t support the readability and fluency of the text too.
AD (iii)
Althought the subject is often clear from the context, we observe the frequent repetition of it in some passages in the text. For example, these are the four sentences following each other in the original text and then in the Slovak translation:
“... the Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedmann instead set about expalining it. Friedmann made two very simple assumptions about the universe: that the universe... ... From these two ideas alone, Friedmann showed that we should not expect the universe to be static. In fact, in 1922, several years before Edwin Hubble`s discovery, Friedmann predicted exactly what Hubble found!” (p. 54-55);
“...sovietsky fyzik a matematik Alexander Fridman sa namiesto toho rozhodol túto predpoveď objasniť. Fridman vyslovil o vesmíre dva jednoduché predpoklady: tvrdil, že vesmír... ...Len z týchto čírych dvoch predpokladov Fridman vyvodil, že by sme nemali očakávať existenciu statického vesmíru. V roku 1922, niekoľko rokov pred Hubblovým objavom, Fridman predpovedal presne to, čo Hubble neskôr zistil.” (p. 52)
From mentioned above it is clear, that because of redundancy and too frequent use of the scientist`s name, the translator could use either personal pronoun “he” or unsaid pronoun. This we could apply for the following as well, where three sentences in a row begin with the same proper name:
“Einstein objected to this very strongly, despite the important role he had played in the development of these ideas. Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for his contribution to quantum theory. Nevertheless, Einstein never accepted that the universe was governed by chance...” (p. 73)
“Einstein mal proti novej teórii silné námietky, napriek významnej úlohe, ktorú zohral pri vývoji týchto myšlienok. Einsteinovi bola udelená Nobelova cena práve za jeho príspevky ku kvantovej teórii. Einstein však nikdy neprijal myšlienku, že by bol vesmír ovládaný náhodou...” (p. 65-66)
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