2. Characteristics of the style of literary works
In the style of literary works the source of action, but also polysemy (reader`s association) are figures, which are results of the creative activity of the author subject.
unfortunate astronaut – nešťastný astronaut, pacifistic scruples – pacifistické výhrady, totalitarian world order – totalitný poriadok, tiny fraction – nepatrný zlomok
present computers are less complex than the brain of an earthworm (p. 103)
súčasné počítače sú jednoduchšie ako mozog dážďovky (p. 103)
to stew in our own primitive juices – variť sa vo vlastnej primitívnej šťave, theory of Everything seemed to be just over horizon – teória všetkého sa vynára spoza obzoru, discover at least some of the dragons – objaviť aspoň nejakých drakov, body´s chemical messenger – chemickí posli v našom tele
There we can find many notional expressions and phrases:
Doppler effect, Maxwell field, Grassman numbers, Lorentz contraction, Moore`s law, Newton`s universal theory, Planck lenght, Boltzman`s constant, Hamilton`s operator, Gödel sentence...
The interrogative sentences are the element of subjectivity:
“WHAT IS TIME? IS IT AN EVER-ROLLING STREAM THAT BEARS all our dreams AWAY, as the old hymn says? Or is it a railroad track? Maybe it has loops and branches, so you can keep going forward and yet return to an earlier station on the line.” (p. 31)
„ČO JE ČAS? JE TO VEČNE SA VALIACI PRÚD, KTORÝ ODNÁŠA PREČ všetky naše sny, ako o tom hovorí starý hymnus? Alebo je ako železničná trať? Možno má slučky a odbočky, a preto môže pokračovať smerom dopredu, a napriek tomu sa aj vrátiť do predošlej stanice na hlavnej trati.” (p. 31)
The typical feature for the literary texts is presence of the author and his personal involvement at solving different tasks and situations. From morphological point of view there is the first person of the singular there:
“ The reason Star Trek is so popular is because it is a safe and comforting vision of the future. I`m a bit of a Star episode in which I played poker with Newton, Einstein, and Commander Data. I beat them all, but unfortunately there was a red alert, so I never collected my winnings.” (p. 157)
„Príčina, prečo je Star Trek taký populárny, spočíva v bezpečnej a utešujúcej predstave budúcnosti. Sám som tak trochu fanúšikom Star Treku, preto ma ľahko presvedčili, aby som sa zúčastnil na jednom z jeho pokračovaní, kde hrám poker s Newtonom, Einsteinom a veliteľom Datom. Porazil som všetkých troch, ale, bohužiaľ, bola vyhlásená bojová pohotovosť, a preto som svoju výhru nikdy nezinkasoval.“ (p. 157)
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