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Roman, Romana
Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Dátum pridania: 02.05.2005 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: lienka77
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 861
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 2.6
Priemerná známka: 2.95 Rýchle čítanie: 4m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 6m 30s
BOYING (Breaking)
B-boying is a form of hip hop dancing which is popularly known as breaking. It consists of top or up rock, footwork, spinning moves, and freeze. B-boying came from Bronx, NY. The term "B-boy" or "B-boying" was created by Kool Herc who was a DJ in Bronx. B-Boys means break boys and they were called so because they dance to the break part of music.
It is closer to gymnastic moves rather than dancing. Breaking is the most popular style of hip hop dancing and it has been spreading all over the world.

It was late 60s , early 70s when people started a sort of b-boying. Their dancing was called "Good Foot" from James Brown's record of the same name. The Good Foot was the first freestyle. Soon moves like dropping down to the ground and poppin up again on beat became standard and gave these first generation of b-boys the nickname of "boie-oie-oings." Footwork came in when the boie-oie-oings started using their arms and hands to support their bodies. The famous first generation of b-boys were "Nigger Twins", "Clark Kent", and "Zulu Kings". Around 1977 breaking was losing its popularirty with black kids and it was about to die.
However, breaking came back with a new generation of b-boys. It was Puerto Rican b-boys who put new life to breaking and took it into next level. They started to put many higher levels of acrobatics and gymnastics into breaking and invented many new moves. The popularity of Kung Fu films during the mid and late 70s around the world has had a great impact on b-boying style.
B-boying became even more popular in 80s. It was first introduced to out side of New York CIty and the rest of world by a movie "Flashdance" in 1983. Even though it was not b-boying movie, the short scene which featured b-boying and popping on a street had a great impact enough to inspire people to start b-boying all over the world. B-boying became very popular as "BREAKDANCE" by many media coverages. Because of this too much media coverage, when media stop showing b-boying on TV, people had a sense that b-boying was only a fad. Many people thought b-boying was dead. Some b-boys stopped b-boying influenced by media, also. After 1985 or 86, the winter period of b-boying came.
Then Resurgence of b-boying happened around 1990. it was Calfornia where b-boying gained its popularity again early.

In New York City the biggest inflow of immigrants took place during the 50's and 60's. Everybody brought along a piece of his the African people who brought the rhythm. The influence of African dance within Breaking is quite obvious, not only because of the "dancing in the circle". Also the expression (B-)Boying probably originated from the african word "Boioing" which means to "hop, jump.“ Already in the 50's there existed also a dance named Lyndi Hop (aka Jitterbug) which included a sequence during which the men leave the women aside and they danced against each other with footwork, routines and steps. Maybe they even did some stuff also on the ground... But the starting point for Breaking which originated in the South Bronx (NYC) at the beginning of the 70's is said to be James Brown's '69 hit "Get on the Good Foot": Inspired by his energetic and almost acrobatic dance on stage, people started to dance the "Good Foot". Breaking, also known as Rocking at first, is an extension of the "good foot" dance style. this dance consisted of Toprocks, Floorrocks and Freezes - spins had not yet been integrated into the dance style. as Breaking also got incorporated into the Hip Hop culture ("fight with creativity not with weapons"), it became more and more a dance that involved the dancer using their imagination to execute foot stomps, shuffles, punches and other battle movements. That's also why Breaking crews - groups of dancers who practiced and performed together - were formed for developing their own dance routines to stand out against other crews. The first known Breaking Crew was called The Nigga Twins and with other crews. they were the pioneers. After some years of developing this new dance style there were dancers around in the middle of the 70's who had already remarkable skills. By the late 70's a lot of early B-Boys retired and a new generation of dancers grew up who combined the till then known basics with more and more spins on almost every part of the body. In '83 the movie "Flashdance" came into the cinemas and the video clip of Malcolm McLarens "Buffalo Gals" was showed on TV. One of the best crews - Rock Steady Crew was featured in both productions and they were seen all over the world because of the success of this movie and this song. That was the release for the media explosion in most of the countries all around the world. For everybody Breakin was something new, something that has never been seen before, something that was really spectacular and fascinating. The MCs, DJs, Graffiti artists and Breakers went also to London and Paris and this was the first time that Breaking could be seen "live" in Europe.
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