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Streda, 5. februára 2025
Welcome to Slovakia
Dátum pridania: 19.12.2005 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Dj.blecha
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 768
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 2.6
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 4m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 6m 30s
The Slovak Republic is situated in the heart of Europe. It covers an area of 49 039 km2. It borders in the north on Poland, in the south on Hungary and Austria, in the west on the Czech Republic and in the east on Ukrajine. The capital of Slovakia is Bratislava and it lies on the river Danube.

Slovakia is divided into the 3 parts/region. West region, Middle region and East region. Slovakia territory isn't big. It is famous for its mountains which are impressive. Up to one half of Slovakia's territory is taken up by the Carpathian Arch. The Carpathian mountain range is a range of moderate mountains. It consists of several smaller ranges: the Small Carpathians and the White Carpathians, the Small Fatra and the High Fatra, the High Tatras and the Low Tatras and the Slovak Rudohorie Mountains. The highest point of the Tatras is Gerlachovský štít(peak 2355m). In Slovakia there are also Podunajsk and Košick lowland. The longest river is the V h which flows into the river Danube. Other big rivers are the Danube, the Hron, the Poprad and the Ipeľ. The Danube flows into the Black Sea. They are exploited as a natural source of energy - the dams - Lipt.Mara, Gabčíkovo.

Climate in Slovakia is mild. The warmest regions are at the Southern Slovak Plains and the Easter Slovak lowland, where average temperature is 10 oC. In the High Tatras is the average temperature about 3oc. The coldest month is January (in the mountains is a lot of snow) and the warmest is July(its very hot and sunny).

Slovakia has 5 268 935 inhabitants. The ethnic break down of the population is 85.5% Slovak, 11% Hungarian and the remaining is made up of Gipsis, Czechs, Ukrainians and Germans. The official language is Slovak.

The System of Government
A head of the state is a president. The president is elected by the National Council through a secret ballot vote for 5-years term. The president appoints and dismisses the Prime Minister and other members of the government. Michal Kov č was elected as the first President of the Slovak Republic on March 3rd, 1993. The national Council of the Slovak Republic is the only parliamentary body. It has 150 deputies, who are elected for 4-years term in universal, direct, secret ballot elections.

Consists from industry and agriculture. We export mostly industry products and import raw materials and food. Our production of wheat, corn and potatoes is only on  few plains of the Slovak Republic. Because of the geography position and counting conditions we can plant only some agricultural products: mostly in Podunajsk plain and Košick plain. State owning of the land has been canceled, so nowadays lots of people are trying to plant the plants on their own. Slovakia has a good industry but
with on old technology. Lots of factories are becoming owned by certain people not by state. But there is a big number of factories with a state production that employ quite a lot of people. The biggest are: Slovnaft Bratislava, Slovakofarma Hlohovcec, Považské stroj rne, Celulózky a papierne Ružomberok, Košice steel works, Chemlon Humenné and St.Nicolaus in Lipt.Mikul š.

5th century - Slavonic tribes, from which the Slovaks derive 833 - The Great Moravian Empire was established. The state organization is among the most important cultural, historical and political milestones of Slovak history
863 - the Byzantine brothers Cyril and Methodius had a mission to Great Moravia. they invented the first Slavonic alphabet - Hlaholithic and translated liturgical books.
16th century - the Austria - Hungarian monarchy
18-19th century - national fights for rights
1843 - Ľudovít Štúr codified the first official Slovak language
1918 - the Czecho-Slovak Republic was created after the disintegration of the Austria-Hungarian Monarchy
1938 - first SR
1.1.1993 - The Declaration of an Independent and sovereign Slovak Republic after the collaps of Czecho-Slovakia

- welcoming with bread and salt
- Easter:- drenching with water and beating with willow canes
- symbols: eggs, bunnies
- throwing the Morena figure into water as a symbol of leaving winter
- April fools day
- 24th June - making fires - a magic night
- Christmas - cutting apples

There are over 270 castles in Slovakia. The most famous of them are Spišský, Oravský, Strečno and Bojnický. Slovakia has also many historical towns (Kremnica, B.Štiavnica, B.Bystrica, Levoča and Nitra). Levoča is famous for altar of Master John Paul in Saint Jacob's church. Many historical buildings have typical
architecture of the 16th, 17th century. Slovakia's mountains are centres of winter sports. In winter many foreign tourists visit our ski centres (Jasn , Roh če,
Martinské hole, the Low Tatras). In summer we can find many tourists at many lakes (Senecké lakes...). Slovakia is famous for the thermal springs in Piesťany, Trenčianske and Rajecké teplice, Bardejov ...
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