– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Roman, Romana
Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Central part of Slovak Republic
Dátum pridania: 17.01.2006 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: bača
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 945
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 3.1
Priemerná známka: 2.94 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 7m 45s
In the central part of Slovak republic are many hills and high mountains. Also there are many historical towns with very interesting history. This region has a lot tourist atractions like castles, spas, manor houses [kaštieľ] and many others…

Trenčín is an old historical town. The castle of Trenčín is a national cultural monument [pamiatka]. The oldest building is rotunda from the 11th century. Very famous is an inscription on the castle wall from the year 179 after Roman troops. Near Trenčín is a small spa town called Trenčianske Teplice. Springs of water are from 37 to 40 degrees of Celzius warm. Here are treated diseases of locomotory and nervous system. Fifteen kilometres far from Trenčín is town Ilava with its Gothic castle rebuilt into a renaissance fortress against Turks and later rebuilt and converted into a prison. Near is also important tourist walley Manínska tiesňava with about 17 kilometres long education path [chodník] through the walley. There are also possibilities for tourism and mountain climbing.
Another historical town is Žilina. Žilina is a center of the upper Považie. there is a city reservation with town houses mostly in renaissance style. In a local part Závodie there is a late roman church of St. Stephens from the period around 1250. In the town are posobilities of tourism and water sports. Žilina is surrounded by mountains so there are many touristic marked routes.

In the north is an etnographical site Terchová. It is a small village with folk architecture presented by wooden houses. Terchová is known also for its typical folklore. Village is on the border [na rozhraní] of Malá Fatra and Kysucká vrchovina.
Historical town Martin was from the 19th century the center of the national cultural movement. In 1863 was founded Slovak Matrix [Matica Slovenská] and in 1867 one of the three Slovak high schools was established here. National cultural monuments are the first building of the Slovak Matrix and the National Cementery founded in the 19th century, where are burrried many important slovak activists. The building of former [bývalý] National House from 1888 is today the Theatre of the Slovak National Uprising [povstanie]. No far from the city is an important tourist and ski center Martinské hole.

When we aim [smerovať] to south we discover town Bojnice with a great neogothic castle which is a national cultural monument. In castle is historical furniture and paintings. In the castle park is ZOO. Very interesting is information that under the castle is a cave. Bojnice is also thermal bathing place.
Between towns Prievidza and Banská Bystrica is a historical mining town Kremnica with traditional coinage [mincovníctvo]. The historical core [jadro] of Kremnica is a city reservation with castle complex from 14th century. In Kremnica is very interesting Museum of Coins and Medals.

A splendid ruins of the castle Bzovík are in the south. It is originally water castle built in Gothic-renaissance style with masive fortification [opevnenie] protecting against Turk attacks. There are bastions at each corner and also water ditch [priekopa] around. The castle was considerably [značne] ruined during the 2nd World War. Historical town Krupina is one of the oldest Slovak towns.Krupina has roman Basilica from the beginning of the 13th century and also urban fortification left from 1551 to 1564. Watch tower Vartovka was built in the year 1564 during Turk attacks. It serve as a sightseeing tower now.

An old historical city with mining tradition Banská Štiavnica is listed among UNESCO preserved [zachované] cultural heritage areas. In the city is baroque tower built in 1681called Klopačka whereof [odkiaľ] miners had been called together by clapping on wooden board. On top of the pyramid roof is a mining sign. In the tower is installed an exposition of Slovak Museum of Mining Industry. It show how the mining technique in Slovakia had been developed since 16th century.
One of the most interesting cities of center region of Slovak Republic is Zvolen. An important historical center situated in the area settled by Slavs since the 8th century. Zvolen castle rising above the city is considered a national cultural monument. There is a National museum and Slovak National Galery today. A very old written document dated to 1135 is givving information of Pustý castle situated no far from the city . There are only ruins today but some buildings are under construction and the area is very nice and surrounded by forest.

Water reservoires Ružiná and Teplý Vrch are very popular destinations for fishermen. These places are also favourite for posibilities of bathing in the summer.
In Banská Bystrica is a historical town preservation area [mestská pamiatková rezervácia]. In the center of the city is a city castle with late gothic church built in the middle of 13th century, capital church from 1636 and clock tower. In Banská Bystrica is a big museum of Slovak National Uprising.
Fourty kilometres east is a mining town Brezno. The gothic chapel founded on a cementary is the remains of a burnt church built in 16th century. In Brezno are two classical churches, baroque monostery of piarist monks and townhall from 1779 where is the museum of the upper Hron river region. Near Brezno is a small village Black Balog with its unique mountain railway track from 1908 and museum of the wood industry.

Many people recomand tour on Chopok which is the second highest peak in the Low Tatra Mountains. From the top is panoramatic view of the neighbouring country. The highest peak of the Low Tatra Mountains is Ďumbier. It is a nature preserve [chránené územie] of rare species of plantsand animals.
In the north is the biggest water reservoir in the center part of Slovak Republic. Area of this water reservoir is 35 square kilometres. During summer are very popular sightseeing sailing tours.
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