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Streda, 12. marca 2025
Emily Dickinson: Biography
Dátum pridania: 02.03.2006 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: bahrom
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 451
Referát vhodný pre: Vysoká škola Počet A4: 1.6
Priemerná známka: 2.99 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 4m 0s
Emily Dickinson was an American lyrical poet, and an obsessively private writer -- only seven of her some 1800 poems were published during her lifetime. Dickinson withdrew from social contact at the age of 23 and devoted herself in secret into writing.

•Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a family well known for educational and political activity. Her father, an orthodox Calvinist, was a lawyer and treasurer of Amherst College, and also served in Congress. She was educated at Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. She was a shy person and a recluse. Her education was, more or less, private.
•1850 Dickinson started to write poems, first in fairly conventional style, but after ten years of practice she began to give room for experiments. She assembled many of her poems in packets of 'fascicles', which she bound herself with needle and thread.

•After the Civil War Dickinson restricted her contacts outside Amherst to exchange of letters, dressed only in white and saw few of the visitors who came to meet her. In fact, most of her time she spent in her room. Dickinson's emotional life remains mysterious, despite much speculation about a possible disappointed love affair. Two candidates have been presented: Reverend Charles Wadsworth, with whom she corresponded, and Samuel Bowles, editor of the Springfield Republican, to whom she addressed many poems.

•After Dickinson's death in 1886, her sister Lavinia brought out her poems. She co-edited three volumes from 1891 to 1896. Despite its editorial imperfections, the first volume became popular. In the early decades of the twentieth century, Martha Dickinson Bianchi, the poet's niece, transcribed and published more poems, and in 1945 Bolts Of Melody essentially completed the task of bringing Dickinson's poems to the public.
•Dickinson's works have had considerable influence on modern poetry. Her frequent use of dashes, sporadic capitalization of nouns, off-rhymes, broken meter, unconventional metaphors have contributed her reputation as one of the most innovative poets of 19th-century American literature. Later feminist critics have challenged the popular conception of the poet as a reclusive, eccentric figure, and underlined her intellectual and artistic sophistication.
Her poetry is rich with a varied and profound experience. There are certain similarities between her poetry and that of John Donne. They both dealt with abstractions and metaphysical notions. The Puritan ascerism and the theological traditions of Puritanism found their echoes in Dickinson’s poems. The themes of her poetry were those of nature, love, time, death, eternity. These themes served the poetess as a means of expressing the sorrows and joys of human existence. Her constant preoccupation with death, permanence and physical decay might have sprung from her disturbing loneliness, as well as her Puritan upbringing.
Major posthumous collections:

Poems, The Single Hound
Further Poems
Poems: Centenary Edition
Bolts of Melody
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