1.What is environment? Environment is everithing around us.
2.What is ecology? It´s branch of study, which is interesting in a protektion of environment
3.Which are the most serious ecological problems of today? pollution - water land air type – discharge perticles to rivers,dissapearess of some species of animals, smoke, global warming, distraction of ecosystem, green house effect, acid rains, trash, litters, the braking of ozone layer, discrabtion of tropical rain forrests, pollution groundwater
4.Were they caused by natural catastrophes? No every, because they caused by people.
5.What causesed the air pollution ? Factories, cars, traffic, sprays,
6.What contribused most to the soil and water pollution ? pesticides, putting the chemical waste to the river and nature ...
7. How can destriction of the environment be stopped ? to use cars with unleaded petrol dispode litters recykle not use any sprays ordenaise cleaness
8. Which is the most famous environmental organization Green peace