– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Streda, 5. februára 2025
Letter to Newspaper 2
Dátum pridania: 30.06.2008 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Linduška
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 448
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 1.3
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 2m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 3m 15s
Dear Editor of our Local Newspaper,

my name is Linda, and I’m a student representative of my community and town. Svätý Jur is a small town with little more than 5,000 inhabitants. Considering growing population of our small city, and new people from whole country still coming, there is also raising number of problems. Let me introduce one of them – busy traffic on roads between Svätý Jur and Pezinok. The main idea of my report is to mention our local need, which is to extend the roads.

Naturally it is very useful that population of our town is growing. New people in our town mean new knowledge, traditions, culture and so on. Svätý Jur sites less than 14 kilometers from Bratislava, capital city of Slovakia, so we have very important post toward other towns around. Many people come in to live in Svätý Jur, because it’s almost impossible to find good flat near their workplace in Bratislava, or it is very expensive for them to live there. It is quite easy to get to Bratislava whether you have your own car or you have to use the public transportation. We have great connections with our capital city, using buses or trains. But, what about the roads between Svätý Jur and Pezinok? Did anyone think about the roads over there?

Slow and dense traffic, car accidents or even deaths are the results of narrow roads. There is not a single day in a week you are able to get to work without getting stucked in the traffic jam. When the roads from Svätý Jur to Pezinok had been built, responsible person did not consider possible every day jams. Every morning from 6:30 to 8:00am, there are hundreds of cars stucked in traffic jam on the way from Pezinok to Bratislava, as well as they are from 4:00 to 5:30pm on the way back. On account of it, there are so many car accidents happening almost every day. Obviously this counts against our community and us. A few years ago there were not these problems, because there weren’t so many people using their own cars as today, and what’s more interesting, there weren’t any roundabouts, which are now all over Pezinok, and they slow the traffic down.

My suggestion is to delete these roundabouts or at least to extend the roads from single to double trail. As the result, all people driving this way daily will be pleased with improving community and faster traffic without any other problems. I hope my report will get only positive reactions.

I am looking forward to hear about your opinion in your newspaper.

Sincerely, town representative LINDA
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