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Pondelok, 23. decembra 2024
William Golding Lord Of The Flies
Dátum pridania: 12.12.2001 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: misoli
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 2 943
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 8.6
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 14m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 21m 30s

However, a littl'un still steps up and says that he saw something horrid in the forest (which was actually Simon returning in the dark from his place). Another littl'un says that there's a "Beast from the water” Jack tries to bring up the fact that Ralph isn't a good chief, because he can't hunt or sing. Piggy and others don’t agree, but Jack is starting to become more and more savage and powerful.
A man from a shot-down fighter plane falls down from the sky with parachute. The man is already dead and the body and parachute float up to the island, eventually snagging on rocks. The wind continually grabs the parachute, lifting the body up and down, which is seen by Samneric. Terrified, they run to tell about this "Beast from the Air," and an assembly is called. Most everyone now thinks they are in grave danger, and Jack suggests hunting it. Jack, Ralph, and a group of hunters set out to get the Beast, while Piggy stays at the beach with the littl'uns. They first check Castle Rock, where they had never been before. Jack thinks the place would be a great fort. They decide to continue to the mountain to look for the Beast.
Jack finds traces of a boar which they begin to hunt. Ralph manages to hit it with his spear, but the animal escapes. Another tribal dance is formed, with a boy named Robert as the Pig. Now Ralph participates, but they start to strike and hurt Robert. Finally, they move on towards the mountain, and send Simon back to tell Piggy they won't be back soon. Jack scales the mountain and reports a sighting of a moving creature, initiating a mass climb to the summit. When they see beast (dead body with parachute), they leave rapidly.
Piggy is told about the beast. Jack calls an assembly, and says that it should be hunted. Ralph upsets him, when he calls hunters cowards. Enraged, Jack asks if anyone thinks Ralph shouldn't be chief. Nobody responds, so he asks again if anyone wants to come with him, then runs off. They decide to move the fire to the beach, because of beast. When they get there, they notice that most of the older boys did in fact decide to go off with Jack, except for Ralph, Simon Piggy and Samneric. Jack's tribe begins to hunt. They kill the sow. The head is severed and put on a stick, which is embedded into the ground as a gift for the Beast. Jack realizes that they'll need fire to cook the meat, so they raid Ralph's camp and steal a flaming log, and invite them to come feast. Simon encounters the Pig's head, and starts talking to it in his imagination.
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