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Pondelok, 23. decembra 2024
Edgar Allan Poe Black Cat (anglicky/slovensky)
Dátum pridania: 12.12.2001 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: misoli
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 2 014
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 5.9
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 9m 50s
Pomalé čítanie: 14m 45s

Jeho najobĺúbenejším mazlíčkom bol jeho čierny kocúr. Potom začal veľa piť a začal zanedbávať a potom aj týrať svoje zvieratá. Počas rozprávania deja (v triezvom stave) sa celý čas ospravedlňuuje a ľutuje to, čo spravil. Svoju ženu mal pravdepodobne rád, zabil ju len nehodou v návale zúrivosti.
Man in about middle age. Until he abandoned alcohol he used to like animals. This hobby has roots in his childhood, when not playing with other children, he addicted hisself to animals. His favorite pet was his black cat. Then he began drinking very much, kicking around his pets and soon also maltreating them. During narration of story (in sober state) he apologizes all the time and regret what he did. He probably liked his wife, he killed her just in fit of fury.
b) Mention the important minor characters and describe them briefly:
11. The way the story is told: I-narration
12. Types of language used: Everyday language
13. Notes on the use of symbols:
black cat – symbol of revenge
14. Review:
Počas čítania tejto knihy som mal veľmi zvláštne pocity. Na začiatku som si myslel, že ten kto bude trpieť bude ten muž. Potom, ako začal rozprávať ako ho alkohol zmenil a čo robil som nevedel, na ktorú stranu sa mám pridať. Všetku vinu dával alkoholu a on ako keby nič nespravil a celý čas sa ospravedlňoval. Na druhej strane som videl tie krutosti ktoré páchal na tej nevinnej mačke. Ďaľšou vecou, ktorá vzbudila vo mne zvláštny pocit bolo to že sa tam písalo, že tá mačka ho mala rada. Mala ho rada aj potom, keď jej vylúpol oko a aj počas toho ako ju vešal. Tá to poviedka bola pre mňa zaujímavá hlavne tým, že som nevedel na nikoho jednoznačne zvaliť vinu. Aj keď hlavná postava - alkoholik zasekol sekeru do hlavy svojej ženy, hovoril, že to bolo v zúrivosti z tej mačky.
I had very weird feelings during reading of this book. In the beginning I thaught that the suffering one would be the man. After he began talking how alcohol had changed him and what he had been doing, I didn’t know whoose quarrel do I have to take up. He found all fault with alcohol and he apologized all time. On the other side I saw the severity violated on the innocent cat. Another thing, which inducted strange feeling in me, was the fact, that the cat loved him. It loved him even after he cut it’s eye and while he was hanging it. The story was very interresting for me, mainly because I didn’t know exactly fasten the blame on anyone. Even when the drunkard jammed the axe to head of his wife, it was just in fury due to the cat.

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