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Examples and Ideals


  1. Who influences peoples manners behaviour?
  2. Which quallities do you admire at people?
    Which can´t you tolerate?
  3. Why do you admire your parents?
  4. Which of your vices would you like to get rid of?
  5. Who is a real hero, why do you admire them?
  6. Do you admire some celebrity?
  7. Do you want to be famous? (pros and cons)


  1. ur parents were our first role models. They brought us up and taught us to be polite and friendly. We were taught to greet and respect people, and help those who may need our help.
    Later, when we started going to school, we got to know more people and had to learn how to get on with them. At school, we learned how to compromise and cooperate with others. We also learned to share our ideas with others. For some of us, our teachers became our role models and helped us to cope with problems and overcome difficulties.
    The teenage years are perhaps the most important period in the development of our personalities. But teenagers tend to look for role models outside their family or school. Because teenagers love music, movies and sport, they might choose people they read about, like pop singers, movie stars and famous sportsmen. They often idolize celebities and try to imitate them in clothing, hairstyles and lifestyles. The influence celebrities have on the younger generation is really important, yet, it seems that not all pop stars understand or are even aware of this fact. Some celebrities live lives that few parents would aprove of. It seems these rich and famous performers ignore the fact that what they do can influence their fans negatively. They are drug or alcohol addicted, their behaviour is eccentric and often wild, they do not respect people around them and they think, they´e better than others. Some young people follow in their footsteps, falling into addiction, alcoholism and partying. On the other hand, there are some famous people who are positive role models. These are the ones who have worked really hard to achieve success.
    Good role models can be found in literary works, too- in stories and novels. Most literary heroes are people with high moral standards with whom readers can identify and whose example they may follow.
    Last but not least, there are everyday heroes (i.e. lifeguards, firefighters, soldiers, etc.).
  2. Admire: frank, generous, reliable, independant, friendly, talkative, hard-working,...
    Can´t tolerate: mean, dishonest, rude, jealous, selfish, aggressive,...
  3. Parents: kind, generous, hard-working, reliable, considerate, caring, honest,...
  4. My vices: forgetfull, touchy, lazy, impatient, stubborn,...
  5. Real heroes- people who are brave and do not hesitate to risk their lives and help the victims of natural and man-made disasters. Their courage and high moral standards make them excellent role models which no one should be afraid to follow.
  6. Angelina Jolie- work for charity, successful, hard-working, she adopted two children,....
  7. Pros: popular, rich, famous, successful,...
    Cons: no privacy, gossips,...
Influence - ovplyvňovať
Virtues - cnosti
Vices - hriechy
bring up - vychovávať
get on with - vychádzať si s niekým
compromise - robiť kompromisy
cooperate - spolupracovať
fulfil - vyplniť
share - deliť sa
cope - čeliť niečomu
overcome/ get over - prekonať
aware - byť si niečoho vedomý
development - rozvoj, vývoj
tend to - mať tendenciu
imitate - napodobňovať
addiction - závislosť
behaviour- správanie
grow up - dospievať
assault - útok, prepadnutie
cheat - oklamať, podviesť
bribe - úplatok
hesitate - váhať
achieve - dosiahnuť
teachableness - učenlivosť
hypocracy- pretvárka
indecisiveness - nerozhodnosť
purposefulness - odhodlanosť
moodiness - náladovosť
touchiness - urážlivosť
whack - úder
postpone - odložiť
get away with - vyviaznuť
feel at ease - cítiť sa v pohode
pursue - presadzovať
pleasure - potešenie
persistance - vytrvalosť
give up - vzdať sa
obstacles - prekážky
take after / look like- podobať sa
look up - dobre si vychádzať
be close to smb- byť si s niekým blízky
take someone side- stáť na niekoho strane
head- nasmerovať
bear patiently- trpezlivo znášať
get round smb- získať si
shost comming- nedostatky
punish- potrestať
tell off- vyhrešiť

lose temperature- stratiť nervy
overwhelm- premôcť
twindown- odmietnuť
fell offended- urazený
self-disciplined- sebadisciplinovaný
determined- rozhodný
selfish- sebecký
hostile- nepriateľský
vulnerable- zraniteľný
irritable- podráždený
shrewd- bystrý
gifted- nadaný
foolish- hlúpy, bláznivý
brainless- neinteligentný
daft / dumb- hlúpy
cunning- prefíkaný
crafty- úskočný
sly- lstivý, vychytralý
tense- napätý
quarrelsome- hašterivý
even-tempered- vyrovnaný
discourteous- nezdvorilý
hospitable- pohostinný
naughty- neposlušný
trustworthy- spoľahlivý, dôveryhodný
clumsy- nemotorný
good-natured- dobromyselný
deceitful- zákerný
tactless- netaktný
well-balanced- rozumný
resourceful- vynaliezavý
vivacious- živý, veselý
stiff- tuhý, neohybný
tongue-tied- zakríknutý, chybne hovoriaci
superficial- povrchný
lax- neviazaný, uvoľnený
sincere- úprimný
envious- závistlivý
self-assured- sebaistý
assertive- sebavedomý
weird - osudný, zvláštny
frank / open - úprimný
inquisitive - zvedavý
nosy - dotieravý
naive - naivný
thrifty - šetrný
blunt / rude - hrubý
easy-going - ľahostajný
considerate- ohľaduplný
generous - štedrý

reserved - zdržanlivý
open-minded - nezaujatý
narrow-minded - úzkoprsý
reliable - spoľahlivý
thoughtful- zamyslený
moody - náladový
touchy - precitlivený
cautious - obozretný
conceited - domýšľavý, namyslený
industrious - pracovitý
caring - dobrosrdečný, starostlivý
witty - vtipný
envious - závistlivý
cowardly - zbabelý
dishonest - nepostivý
punctual - presný
confident - presvedčivý
self-confident - sebavedomý
self-conscious - plachý, zakomplexovaný
conscientious - svedomitý
strict - prísny
sympathetic - súcitný
vain - zbytočný
well-behaved - slušný
mean - skúpy
impatient - netrpezlivý
honest - čestný
loyal - verný
suspicious - podozrivý
independant - nezávislý
flexible - prispôsobivý
outgoing - spoločenský
forgetful - zábudlivý
big-headed/pig-heade/stubborn/obstinate- tvrdohlavý
sensible - rozumný
disorganised - zmätený
immature - nedospelý
neat - poriadkumilovný
greedy - žiadostivý
practical - šikovný

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