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Nedeľa, 23. februára 2025
Fashion and Clothing
Dátum pridania: 20.08.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: holdenko
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 181
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 4.2
Priemerná známka: 3.01 Rýchle čítanie: 7m 0s
Pomalé čítanie: 10m 30s
  1. Attitude to fashion
  2. Buying clothes- how: impulsive ↔ rational
    mail-order catalogues ↔ online shopping
    window shopping ↔ shopping around
  3. Boutiques, markets, second-hand shops,...
  4. How much can you tell about a person from the clothes they wear
    “Clothes make the man“
  5. Development of clothes
  6. Kinds of clothes, accessories, businesswoman
  7. Wearing uniforms


  1. People have various attitudes to fashion, for some it is vital to be dressed in the latest fashion, they follow fashion magazines and spend a lot of money to be sure they wear the best brand name. Others prefer comfortable clothes in which they feel good and would never pay a lot of money for an item of clothing that would not last more than one season.
  2. Rational- is a person who doesn´t often stray from his usual wardrobe.Most of what she buys is similar to clothing she already has hanging in her closet. She is careful to choose new clothes.
    Impulsive- is a person who selects clothes based on his emotions of that moment, not by reason. If she sees something and just loves it, she doesn´t hesitate to buy it. She never buys clothes that are similar to what´s in her wardrobe already. Her clothes style is very inconsistant. Her style change.
  3. Some people buy ready-made clothes, others prefer to have them made to measure or buy them at second-hand shops. Some people like shopping in second-hand shops, because they are cheaper than boutiques and they can buy there original items. Boutiques are usually expensive but the clothes from them are often better quality. Markets usually offers ready-made clothes, so their price can be accepted by a lot of people with different social status.
  4. At first when you saw somebody, you usually know if he is rich or poor, if he is wearing new fashion models or he is in casual. Colours play an important role in fashion, too. There are typical colours: white for brides and babies- represents their purity and virginity. A baby´s sex is sometimes distinguished by colours: little girls are dressed in pink or red, while little boys are in blue or light-green. Some people choose colours according their current mood. When they are happy, the colours are bright and light, but when they are sad or bed-tempered, the colours are dark.
  5. Clothes have always been important for people. In acient times mainly because they protected people against cold, frost or rain, then later with development of society clothes became an important sign of people´s social status. They became more comfortable and were made from finer materials. In previous centuries women´s and men´s clothes were totally different. Women wore long skirts, long-sleeved dresses, long hair and even veils, so much of their body was concealed. Men´s clothes did not differ very much from today´s time- men wore trousers, shirts and jackets as they do now. The revolution in clothing began in the second half of the 19th century with the start of the industrial revolution and the invention of the sewing machine that led to the mass production of clothes. Ready-made clothes were cheap and lower social classes could afford to buy new clothes more often. In the 20 century people´s clothing changed rapidly. The two sexes now have more in common.
  6. woman´s wordrobe: underwear (knickers, bikiny briefs, bras, slips, stockings), pyjamas or night dresses, dressing gowns, skirts and blouses, jumpers and cardigans, several pairs of trousers and jeans, an anorak, a winter coat, shirts and T-shirts, miniskirts, swimming suits, coctail dresses; shoes, boots, high- heeled shoes, handbags, scarfs, gloves, hats and jewelleries (earings, rings,chains, brooches, clip-on earings or hoop earings, arm bracelets,...)
    men´s wordrobe: underwear (undershirts, underpants), socks, trousers, pile of shirts, suits, an anorak, a trench coat, a raincoat and a winter coat, ties, shoes, boots, hats or caps, belts, handkerschiefs, bowtie, dinner jacket.
  7. Uniforms are worn by professionals such as the police, the armed forces, health workers, sometimes workers of a certain firm. It is still a tradition in some schools in Britain to wear a school uniform. The argument for uniforms is that they prevent competition among the girls and hide differences in family incomes. But some children don´t like wearing uniforms because they want to be different from each other and want to wear what they want.
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Fashion and clothing GYM 2.9772 1057 slov
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