Tézy na maturitnú skúšku z ANJ
1.Rodina (Family) -describe your family(family members and your relationship with them) and compare it to the different types of famylies -persuade: disco
2.Kultúra a umenie (Culture and Arts) -which cultural events are popular among the young people -watching TV and reading books – pros and cons -describe living in the country and city -persuade: theatre tickets
3.Šport (Sport) -Talk about different kinds of sport (car racing, athletics, para gliding, climbing, skiing, water sports) -what are the most popular sports in Slovakia -why is sport good for health,pros and cons of the profi sport -discuss: PE lessons
4.Bývanie (Housing) -types of housing -flat and house - pros and cons -describe where you live and where you would like to live -persuade: moving to the village
5.Obchod a služby (Shopping and Services) -department stores and small shops – pros and cons -shopping and services in Slovakia contra the western EU countries -advertisments
6.Starostlivosť o zdravie (Healthcare) -describe human body and face -speak about human health, health protection, fas food
7.Cestovanie (Travelling) -means of transport -traveling abroad
8.Vzdelanie (School and Study) -speak about studying at the Secondary Forestry School -relationship with your schoolmates and teachers -what would you like to change -foreign languages studying -further studies -maturita exam
9.Zamestnanie (Jobs and Employment) -speak about jobs, which you like to have (conductor, soldier, teacher, policeman...) -speak about well paid jobs, about typical man/woman jobs -what a CV should include -prepare for a job interview
10.Ľudské vzťahy (Human Relations) -describe human relations between people (frienship, love, partnership, anger...) -speak about the qualities of a good friend (describe your best friend) -speak about relations in your classroom -speak about neighbours (ideal neighbour) -speak about cheating in exams
11.Človek a príroda (Man and Nature) -how hunters and foresters can influence the life of animals and plants -speak about polution, ozone layer, greenhouse effect, rain forest cutting... -how can common people protect the environment -explain: botanical garden - protection
12.Vedecko-technický rozvoj (Development of Science and Technology) -which technological events changed the man’s life (also your life) most (video camera, microwave, mobile phone, TV set, CD player -neggative aspects of new technologies -which technological events changed your life most (car, mobile phone, computer, fax, satellite, CD player ... ) -your neggative experiences with new technologies -future technologies -persuade: buying a new but expensive mobile phone
13.Človek a spoločnosť (Man and Society) -speak about living standard and lifestyle (beggars, rich people, young people, your family) -advantages of being a baby, a child, a teenager, an adult, an old person -persuade: drug addiction (medical treatment)
14.Formy komunikácie (Communication and its Forms) -forms of communication (verbal/nonverbal, body languages, gestures, interview, phones, chat, sms, e-mails ...) -foreign languages learning importance -advantages/disadvantages of mobile phones, internet -necessity of computer using -persuade: advantage of learninf English
15.Masmédiá (Mass media) -talk about magazines and newspapers -talk about the people from TV screen you like/dislike -pros and cons of watching TV -TV programs -pros and cons og advertisements -explain: disadvantages of soap operas
16.Mládež a jej svet (Young People and their World) -discuss the main values and attitudes of young people -spending of a free time of young people -using drugs, smoking, alcohol -generation gap -your family atmosphere and solving problems -qualities of a good parent -explain why should be good a year off (traveling ...)
17.Stravovanie (Food) -what food do you prefer and why (soup. Pasta, meat, vegetables) -healthy food -fast food -Slovakia – main meals, typical meals, drinks, dishes, eating habits -dialogue in a restaurant
18.Záľuby, voľný čas a životný štýl (Hobbies, Free Time and Life style) -ways of spending free time (amusement park, beach volleyball, paragliding, sightseeing, zoo, surfing . . .) -your free time spending and organisation -hobbies / school / future career -prsuade: falconry/discos, pubs
19.Multikultúrna spoločnosť (Multicultural Society) -Christmas celebration in Sk and in your family -Typical Slovak customs -your favourite festivals -multicultural society /define -Are the Slovaks tolerant? -persuade: marriage with a negro student
20.Mestá a miesta (Towns and Places) -Bansá Štiavnica – places -hometown – places, special events, activities, famous people -compare B. Štiavnica – hometown -your future life -help, inform: B. Štiavnica – American tourists
21. Obliekanie a Móda (Clothes and Fashion) -typical man/woman clothes -your preferable clothes -what is uitable for: wedding, job interview, maturita exam, birthday party ... -school uniform (adv./disadv.) -advise your foreign friend what to bring for a holiday in Slovakia
22.Kniha – priateľ človeka (Your favourite Writer, Book, Literature) -favourite kinds of literature (comics...) -popularity of reading...(adv./disadv.) -your favourite book, film -heroes ... what do you admire about them -book contra film -persuade: watching video at lessons
23. Vzory a ideály (Models and Ideals) -pros and cons of being popular, super stars -idols and heroes (real, literary) of young people -who do you admire the most -favourite schoolmate, teacher and why(hoe did they influence you) -important human qualities -persuade: R. Muller
24.Krajina ktorej jazyk sa učím (The Country whose Language I Learn) -characterise the modern American city -Would you like to visit/live in the GB, USA? -Interesting facts, general geographical data, weather, special customs, traditions etc. of the English speaking countres -lifestyle of British and American people -job interview for voluntary work in GB
25.Slovensko moja vlasť (Slovakia my Homeland) -characterize Slovak people(hospitable, hard working ...) -Do you like living in Slovakia? -special facts about Slovakia -typical holidays and traditions -life in Slovakia in the past and today -travel agency dialogue about Slovakia
26.Bývanie (Housing and home 2) -do you prefer classical or modern style of furnishing -talk about the house of your dream (design, furnishing, surrounding) -persuade: moving to the country (adv./disadv. Country and town)
27. Rodina 2 (Family 2) -talk about different types of famylies -talk about spending the free time together -talk about habits and daily routines(compare yourself to one member of your family) -persuade: houseparty
28.Voľný čas 2 (Leisure Time and Hobbies 2) -talk about free time activyties -compare your weekdays and weekends -talk about your typical schoolday -talk about the school subjects -talk about school breaks -talk about your afternoons at the dormitory -persuade: party at the cottage
29.Človek a príroda 2(Man and Nature 2) -talk about seasons of the year -characterise the climate in Slovakia -speak about Slovak animals and plants (common, protected) -persuade: pet animal for your brother
30.Šport 2 (Sport 2) -talk about different sports (chess, rollerblading, dancing, gymnastic, tennis, swimming ...) -talk about a chosen sport (place, equipment, clothes, possible injuries, qualities ...) -persuade: profi hockey training