Slovak Ukrainian connects
- Citizens of Slovakia and the Ukraine have the common history.
- These nations belong to group of Slavonic nations.
- Mutual religious and cultural background.
- The Slovaks and the Ukrainians lived together in the area of ancient Austro-Hungarian state from 11th century.
- 1918- Foundation of the CZECHOSLOVAKIA.
- Mutual relationships between the inhabitants of the Western part of Ukraine and Eastern Slovakia have been developed
- In 19/20 centuries SK and UA became the independent and equal countries.
- 1993- Independent SLOVAKIA
- 1990- Independent UKRAINE
- So far, the Ukrainians have remained the national minority living in the east of Slovakia.
- Our school was founded as a sign of mutual understanding and cooperation between the Ukraine and Slovakia
- School founder : Pavol Peter Gojdic
- Our students can speak both official Slovak and literary Ukrainian language.
- The areas of new state including the part of the Ukraine called „Zakarpatska“ settled by Ukrainians and
Slovaks are still being developed. - regarding the foreign affairs of SK and UA
- In addition to Slovak language, students master also Ukrainian.