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Food Eating, the consumption of food to sustain life. The gathering, preparation, storage, and presentation of food has necessarily been a focus of human activity. Food and drinks are very important in human life because we can`t exist without eating and drinking. It's common that every country has a typical national dish and habits of eating and drinking. Slovak national food are sheep cheese dumpling. In our country daily meals usually start with breakfast, which consists of something to drink - tea (with sugar, honey or with lemon) or cocoa, warm or hot milk, black coffee - and something to eat, one or two slices of bread and butter and cheese or eggs, ham, salami, jam,... Instead of bread we can eat rolls or buns or we have something sweet – cakes. We can breakfast bred or roll with cheese, sausage, ham, butter, redish, tomato, ... Lunch consist of soup and main dish. For example chicken with chips or potatoes, mashrooms with potatoes, steak with rice or fish. Afternoon we can eating some fruits or biscuit.

Dinner is warm or cold. I prefer dinner cold. I like bread or roll with butter, cheese and some vegetables. Traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans, toasted bread, black pudding with orange juice and English tea. Modern British breakfast consists of a glass of fruit juice and cornflakes with sugar and milk. Of course they drink tea in the morning or coffee. In the Britain people often lunch in a restaurant or fastfood during the week. They lunch soup and main dish. In the Britain is typical tea at five. They have usually dinner warm.

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