– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Pondelok, 24. februára 2025
Dátum pridania: 01.08.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: luskacik
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 293
Referát vhodný pre: Základná škola Počet A4: 1
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 1m 40s
Pomalé čítanie: 2m 30s
Japan be situated in eastern Asia. With north Japan encircle Ochotské sea, with south and with east Pacific ocean, with south-west Východočínske sea, and with west Japan sea.

To Japan belong islands Namsei. The largest part Japan form four islands: Honšu, Kjušu, Šikoku and Hokkaido. Extent Japan is 377 835 kilometers squares.

Japan is mountains country with small lowlands. On the north Japan there are mountains vulcanic origin. The famuos and the biggest mountains on Island are: japonské alpy, Iawate, Kawageta, and next.

The short summers and long winters have Hokkaido and north part Island Honšu. Shikoku and Kjušu have hot and damp summers.

Japan rivers are short, but watery. The longest river in Japan is Shinano on Island Honšu. The next large rivers on Island Honšu are: Tone, Ternyu- gawa. Rivers Island Hokkaido are Ishikari, Tokachi.

The lakes there are very nice. Majority lakes in Japan are mountains lakes. The largest lake on Island Hošu is Biwa.

Typical animals in Japan are Badger Japanese and next. Typical herbs in Japan are Cykas, Oak japanese and next. National parks are Čuly-Sanko, and Nikko.

Japan has 126 millions residents. Japanese use two alphabet hiragana and katakana. In Japan there are three religions: Christendom 4 %, Budhizmus 40 %, Šintoizmus 40 %. In Japan there is parliamentary monarchy. Japan has 47 provinces.

People there raise rice, eat, potatoe and next. Japan is on vicious raw material very poor. People there exploit gold, brown coal, and next. For Japan is typical bonsaj. Bonsaj is small tree. Oficcial language there is Japanese. In town live 70 % residents.

The capital city is Tokyo. Tokyo has 11.6 millions residents. There is Tokyjská library, who has six millions books.

Osaka has 2.5 millions residents. Osaka is port town. In Osaka there is castle Osaka
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