Talk about
- types of jobs (physical work and mental work), motivation
- enrolment form, application form, curriculum vitae, interview
- regular day work and free time
TASK 3 - Role play
Someone is coming to stay in your country for six months. What advice can you give?
Include advice about money, documents, clothes, health, accommodation and food.
Talk about:
- what do you do to protect your body, what diseases do you remember having
- have you ever had to stay in a hospital?
- healthy lifestyle, (physical and mental hygiene) and healthy diet
TASK 3 - Role play
You share your bedroom with your sibling who is very untidy. What would you do to make him not to leave his/ her stuff around a lot, tidy up his/ her books, not chat with his/ her friends for hours and share the household at home?
Describe your best holiday you have ever been on. Speak about:
- preparation for the accommodation, kind of transportation, destinations, reasons and functions of travelling
- means of transport (advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car, boat, train and plane)
TASK 3 - Role play
It is Friday evening. You have decided to phone your friend for a chat. Ask and answer questions about what you have been doing this week