– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Streda, 23. októbra 2024
Preflight preparation
Dátum pridania: 26.07.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Lorrita
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 971
Referát vhodný pre: Vysoká škola Počet A4: 3.7
Priemerná známka: 2.93 Rýchle čítanie: 6m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 9m 15s
Preflight preparation is the foundation of safe flying. But it is too one of the most often neglected acts of a pilot contemplating flight in an aircraft. Accident statistics recent years indicate that adequate preflight preparation is lacking in many cases. As a result, while the number of general aviation accidents and approach and landing accidents has declined, takeoff accidents have increased.

Statistics indicate that takeoff accidents occur because elements of the preflight preparation were:

•not assigned the proper importance,
•not incorporated into the preflight routine,
•pilots did not anticipate potential takeoff emergencies.

Recommendations to enhance the safety of flying are:

•create good preflight planning habits and review them continually,
•know all of the hazards and conditions which would represent potential dangers, especially during takeoff,
•be aware of the capabilities and limitations of their aircraft.

While preflight preparations are being made, the glider must be parked safely in a location that does not obstruct the launch area. Preflight preparation has to include checking all systems on the airplane, such as:

1.Flight controls : ailerons, elevator(s), rudder(s), control tabs, stabilizer, flaps, spoilers, leading edge flaps/slats, and trim systems.
2.Landing gear : indicators, brakes, antiskid, tires, nosewheel steering, and shock absorbers.
3.Powerplant : controls and indicators, induction system, carburetor and fuel injection, cooling, fire detection and protection, turbine wheels, compressors, deicing, anti-icing, and other related components.
4.Propellers : type, controls, feathering/unfeathering, autofeather, negative torque sensing, synchronizing.
5.Fuel system : capacity, drains, pumps, controls, indicators, transferring, jettison, fuel grade, color and additives, fueling and defueling procedures.
6.Oil system : capacity, grade, quantities, and indicators.
7.Hydraulic system : capacity, pumps, pressure, reservoirs, grade, and regulators.
8.Electrical system : alternators, generators, battery, circuit breakers and protection devices, controls, indicators, external and auxiliary power sources, and priority of electrical power distribution and ratings.
9.Environmental systems : heating, cooling, ventilation, oxygen and pressurization, controls, indicators, and regulating devices.
10.Pneumatic systems : pressures and servicing tires,condition, inflation, and correct mounting, where applicable
11.Avionics and communications : autopilot, flight director, electronic flight indicating systems, flight management system, long range navigation systems, doppler radar, inertial navigation systems and components, indicating devices, transponder, and emergency locator transmitter.
12.Crewmember and passenger equipment—oxygen system(s), survival and emergency equipment and exits, smoke and fire fighting equipment, evacuation procedures and crew duties, and quick donning oxygen mask for crewmembers and passengers.
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