A story
1.)Úvod – opísať prostredie, kto tam vystupuje – aké postavy
2.)Čo sa stalo – opísať hlavnú príčinu
3.)Vyvrcholenie zápletky
4.)Rozuzlenie a ukončenie
- píšeme to v minulých časoch (jednoduchý, priebehový, predprítomný)
Useful Vocabulary
Weather: cloudy-zamračené, foggy-hmlisto, freezing-mrazivo, rainy - daždivý, sunny - slnečný, wet – mokro
Places: castle – hrad, mountains, old house, park, river, valey, woods
Verbs: argue – súhlasiť, crash – naraziť, escape – uniknúť, fall, fing, get back, get lost – stratiť, hunt – prenasledovať, hurt – zraniť, meet, recognise – rozpoznať
Adjective: afraid, amazing – úžasný, awful – strašný, beautiful, exciting, frightening – desivé, strange – zvláštne, terrifying
Linking: During, first, as soon as – hneď ako, after, suddenly, later, just then, in the end, immediately - ihneď, while – kým
A story
1.) It was a sunny day in a vallley.The sun was shining. The day before Johny and Jane had decided to go walking to the country. They met at ten o´clock.
2.) They walked. The nature was beautiful. Johny and Jane saw a large lake. Suddenly, Jane fell and she hurt herself. It wasn´t a serious injury. After an hour, it became cloudy and suddenly it started to rain. They were frightened, because they got lost. They were in a wrong way. They came to the dark forest. John and Jane were terrified. They did not know where they were.
3.) When it stopped to rain, John and Jane met their friend Michael form school. Michael was very intelligent and he was very surprise. They returned to the camp together. All the people of the camp were very hungry. John made a fire. They started to barbecue.
4.) They were tired but they all felt very happy. Their teacher played the guitar and boys and girls sang. Everybody was lucky and everybody enjoyed there. This camp was very funny for Jane and for Johny.. This adventure finished happily
An Informal Letter
Your address
The date
1.)Úvod – napíš nejaké uvítacie otázky priateľovi
2.) Kde si, aké je počasie
3.) Čo robíte, kde chodíte
4.) Mienka o ľuďoch, tvoj názor
5.) Koniec – ospravedlnenie, prečo končíš písanie listu
6.) Pozdrav a tvoje meno. All the best(všetko dobré)/Lots of love(vela lásky) a pod to tvoje meno
Useful Vocabulary(užitočné slová)
Weather: changeable – premenlivé, Freezing – mrazivé, Cloudy – zamračené, Hot – teplé, Rainy – daždivé, Sunny - slnečné
Accommodation(býbanie): Cabin – kabína, campsite – kemping, farm, hotel, tant – stan, youth hostel – nocľaháreň pre mládež
Locations: in a forest – v lese, in the middle of , in the mountains, on the coast – na morskom brehu, near a town
Activities: canoeing – kanoistika, diving – potápanie, parachuting, rafting, sailing – plachtenie, skiing – lyžovanie, snowboarding, trekking – chôdza, windsurfing
Isle of Skye
5th August
Hi Tania,
1.) How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you decided where to go on holiday? That skiing break sounds the best, doesn´t it?
2.) Anyway, we are camping here on the Isle of Skye. We´re staying on a campsite in the middle of nowhere. We´ve been here for five days but it feels longer. It´s rained every single day – an you believe it? Everything is wet – our shoes, our sleeping bags, all our clothes!
3.) Luckily, we didn´t come here for the nightlife! Actually, there isn´t any! But then we are all too tired at the end of the day anyway. We go walking every day and yesterday saw some seals. We are all tried sailing and windsurfing, but we are not very good. This afternoon I fell into the sea five times!
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