– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Sobota, 22. februára 2025
Maturitné slohy z angličtiny
Dátum pridania: 08.10.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: domca4444
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 3 839
Referát vhodný pre: Iné (napr. kurzy) Počet A4: 11.7
Priemerná známka: 2.88 Rýchle čítanie: 19m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 29m 15s
A Formal Letter to a Newspaper

Tvoja adresa


Názov novín
Pozdrav – Dear Editor/Sir/ Madam

1.)Príčina pre písanie tohto listu
2.)Napíš problém
3.)Napíš ešte iný problém
4.)Nejaké návrhy pre čín
5.)Záver – Formálne ukončenie

Podpis – tvoj

Enviroment: air pollution, noise pollution, river pollution, traffic pollution
Health: asthma sufferes, effects on children´s health, ris of deseases
Leisure(volno): cinema, outdoor activities, sports centre, youth club
Unemployment(nezamestnanosť): job opportunities(pracovné príležistosti), new jobs, training courses(školenia)
Needs: hospital, new bus route – nové autobusové cestovanie, park , road - cesta, school

Bolečkova 2
28th February, 2005

The Town Hall
Štefánikova 35
949 01 Nitra

Dear Mr Mayor

1.) I am writing to protest about the proposal for a new motorway. Many students and local people have been against the idea from the start.

2.) First, the Town Office says that the motorway bring traffic. However, in my opinion, it will pollute inviroment. Although the motorway would bring the better connection between Mlynarce and Bratislava.

3.) Despite what the government says, it is advantageous, I don´t think it is. Problems will increase. Cars on the motorway release into the atmosphere chemicals, which are harmfeel for health for example it will be very dengerous for students

4.) I think other residents should write to the government about this issue. This Wednesday I will be at the Commercial Academy to collect signatures for a petition. I think we should do everything we can to stop this motorway.

5.) I look forward to reading more letters about this issue in your newspaper.

Yours sincerely
MôJ podpis
MRs Dominika Vachová

A letter of Aplication

Your address
The date
Name and address(komu ideme písať)


1.)Reasons - Prečo ideš písať – o akú pozíciu sa zaujímaš,kde si sa to dozvedela
2.) Interest in a job - Prečo sa zaujímaš o túto práce
3.)Personal qualities - Osobné vlastnosti
4.)Qualificatons and practical skills – čo ovládaš, aké zručnosti máš
5.)Formal ending – ukončenie
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