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Covering letter

Murgašova 45
058 01 Poprad
Tel. nubmer: +42190x xxx xxx
E-mail address:
24th March 2008


Dear Madame, Sir

I am writing in response to your advertisement I saw on a web page. I am interested in farm work or work in a hotel as a waitress or a housekeeper.

I am a Slovak student and I have been attending Hotel academy in Kežmarok. I achieved a vocational certificate as a waitress with a notice: pass with decoration. I have been attending Language school for seven years and I achieved certificates with level A1 – A2 and level B1 – B2, too.

I enclose my CV with details of my qualifications and work experience. As you will see, I have practiced in many restaurants and a hotel. I am also hard-working. Please contact me if you require any further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Hermiona Hromozvodová

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