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Mixed conditionals

•To talk about past events that could have some consequences in the present:

Form : If + Past Perfect , would + infinitive without ´to´
(as in 3rd cond.) (as in 2nd cond.)
You wouldn´t earn so much money if you hadn´t gone to university.
(Nezarábal by si toľko peňazí, keby si nebol nechodil na vysokú školu.)

•To talk about unreal present situations, usually imaginary states, which could have had some consequences in the past:

Form : If + Past Simple, would + perfect infinitive
(as in 2nd cond.) (as in 3rd cond.)
If he had a car, he wouldn´t have gone by train.
(Keby mal auto, nebol by šiel vlakom.)

Basic conditional types

1.the Zero conditional (present/past real conditional)
•To talk about what you normally do in real-life situations, to describe situations where one event always results in the other, habits, can be used for any cause-effect truth

Form : If/When(ever) + Present simple , Present simple
When i go to bed late, i feel very tired the next day.
If you heat water, it evaporates more quickly.

•To describe what you used to do in particular real-life situation, it suggest that your habits have changed and you don´t usually do these things today

Form : If/When(ever) + Past simple , Past simple
If it rained, we had/used to have PE in the gym.
2.the First conditional (future real conditional)
•To talk about possible future events which depend on other future events:
If you read this report, you will understand our economic situation much better.

Form : If/When + Present simple , Future simple
If - suggests you don´t know if sth will happen or not
When – sth will definitely happen at some point, we are simply waiting for it to occur

•To describe what you think you will do in a specific situation in the future
•To give advice or an order, and to make a suggestion or a request:
If you want to make a good impression, remember to smile and make eye contact.

3.the Second conditional (present/future unreal conditional)
•To describe dreams, unrealistic goals, or other hypothetical situations now or later
•To talk about imagined events in the future, which are impossible or unlikely:
If Iwent on ´Who wants to ba a Millionaire?´ I´d win a lot of money.

•To talk about impossible present situations:
If people had more common sense, there wouldn´t be any wars in the world.

•To give advice:
If i were you, i wouldn´t break uo with him.
If he was/were a French, he would live in Paris.

Form : If + Past simple , would + verb .......presen/past unreal c.
If + Past tenses , would be + present participle.......past unreal c.- to indicate a plan in the future
If + were going to + verb , would be + present participle......past unreal c.- to talk about imagining in the future , to emphasize that the conditional form is a plan/prediction in the same way like ´be going to´

4.the Third conditional (past unreal conditional)
•To talk about unreal situations in the past, to imagine things that did not happen:
If we´d been driving faster, we wouldn´t crashed on that slippery road

•You can describe what you would have done differently or how sth could have happened differently if circumstances had been different
If I owned a car, I would have driven to work.

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