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Sobota, 21. decembra 2024
Ireland / Írsko (aj s prekladom)
Dátum pridania: 24.07.2009 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: sharq
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 743
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 2.1
Priemerná známka: 2.99 Rýchle čítanie: 3m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 5m 15s
Ireland / Írsko (aj s prekladom)


Ireland – the Emerald Isle is a beautiful land of mountains, rivers, lakes and green fields.
Irish people are friendly people who love to talk and tell stories, but they are proud and independent. The Irish are famous for their music, songs and dancing. There are also many myths and legends connecting to Ireland.

Ireland is on the west of Great Britain. There are ruins and ancient monuments all over Ireland. In the south you could find the Rock of Cashel in Tipperary which is a holy place, where people worship for centuries. St. Patrick brought Christianity and built churches.
Religion has always been important and almost all the churches are Roman Catholic. Irish people honour St Patrick as their patron saint. Irish monks were also famous for their excellent schools.

Irish tradional songs, music, dances and language as well are passing from generation to another.

If you love horses, you´ll love Ireland! Horse riding is the national sport. Many people come here on holiday to see the countryside from a caravan.

Ireland’s rivers are full of fish – lots of people come here to relax on a fishing holiday. Fishing is also an important industry.

Hurling, the Irish national sport, is one of the fastest games. The ball is very small, you can hit it hard and far. You score goals by hitting the ball between the goal posts and you can also score points by hitting it over the bar.

Gaelic football is a little like football and a little like rugby. You score goals and points the same way as in hurling. Both games have 15 player a side. Green hills of Ireland are perfect for golf.

Farming is the most important part of economy. The mild and wet climate is good for cows and sheep. Irish wool is of high quality and made into warm woolen sweaters.

Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is a city of over half a million people. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. It has some beautiful architecture, especially squares and terraced houses. It is famous for its pubs, where you can enjoy heavy and dark beer.


Írsko – ostrov Emerald je prekrásna krajina hôr, riek a zelených lúk. Írsky ľudia sú priateľský národ, ktorí rád „kecia“ a rozpráva príbehy, ale oni sú tiež hrdí a nezávislí. Íri sú známi kvôli ich hudbe, pesničkách a tancu. Taktiež majú mnoho mýtov a legiend.

Írsko je na západe Veľkej Británie. Nachádzajú sa tu staroveké sochy po celom Írsku. Na juhu by ste mohli nájsť skalu „Cashel in Tipperary“, čo je vlastne sväté miesto, kde sa ľudia modlievajú už storočia. Svätý Patrik priniesol do Írska kresťanstvo a vybudoval kostoly.
Oblasť bola vždy dôležitá a skoro všetky kostoly v Írsku sú rímsko-katolícke. Íri si ctia svätého Patrika ako ich patróna. Írski mnísi boli taktiež známi ich excelentnými školami.
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