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Piatok, 25. októbra 2024
Prosa - Types
Dátum pridania: 17.05.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: chained
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 621
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 2
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 3m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 5m 0s
Long Fiction:

Historical classification:

1) The picaresque novel:
Miguel de Cervantes – Don Quijote de la Mancha
H. Fielding – Tom Jones

2) The chivalric novel:
W. Scott – Ivanhoe

3) The gothic novel:
H. Walpole – The castle of Otranto
E. A. Poe

4) The pastoral novel:
Philip Sidney – Arcadia
George Eliot – Adam Bede

Classification according to milieu:

1) The novel of the soil:
E. Caldwell – Tobacco road

2) The family novel:
S. Richardson – Pamela

Classification according to subject matter:

1) The historical novel:
Tolstoy – War and peace
Stendhal – The red and the black
Walter Scott – Ivanhoe

2) The utopian novel:
Thomas More – Utopia
Francis Bacon – New Atlantis
Jonathan Swift – Gulliver’s travells

3) The fantastic novel:
Jonathan Swift – Gulliver’s travells
Stephen King, Jules Verne

4) The science fiction novel:
I. Asimov, A Clark, M. Crichton, J. Verne

5) The novel of adventure:
R. L. Stevenson – Treasure island
Mark Twain – Tom Sawyer

6) The detective novel:
E. A. Poe – The golden bug
A. Christie

7) The novel of travel:
D. Defoe – Robinson Crusoe
G. Forster – The journey around the world

8) The psychological novel:
W. M. Thackeray, J. Joyce, V. Woolf

9) The biographical novel:
Irving Stone – Lust for life

10) The autobiographical novel:

11) The problem novel:
H. B. Stowe – Uncle Tom’s cabine

12) The roman a clef:
R. P. Warren – All the king’s men
W. Langland

13) The proletarian novel:
J. Steinbeck

Classification according to the technique of composition:

1) The epistolary novel:
S. Richardson – Pamela
S. Richardson – Clarissa

2) The roman fleuve:
J. Galsworthy – The Forsyte saga
H. de Balzac – Comedie humaine

3) The stream of consciousness novel:
J. Joyce – Ulysses
V. Woolf, D. Richardson

4) The anti – novel:
J. Joyce, V. Woolf

Classification according to function:

1) The didactic novel:

2) The tendentious novel:

3) The bildungs roman:
C. Dickens – David Coperfield
H. Fielding – Tom Jones

4) The kuenstlerroman:
J. Joyce – A portrait of the artist as a young man

5) The philosophical novel:
Voltaire – Candide

Classification according to the elaboration of theme:

1) The humorous novel:
C. Dickens – Pickwick papers
Ben Johnson – Every man in his humour

2) The satirical novel:
G. B. Shaw

3) The experimental novel:
V. Woolf, D. M. Richardson

4) The journalistic novel:
Classification according to the stream of thought

1) The sentimental novel:
S. Richardson – Pamela
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