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Piatok, 7. marca 2025
Verbs and verb tenses - English Morpoholgy
Dátum pridania: 02.07.2009 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Linduška
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 690
Referát vhodný pre: Vysoká škola Počet A4: 2.3
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 3m 50s
Pomalé čítanie: 5m 45s
Verbs and verb tenses - English Morpoholgy

- Do as pro-verb:
A transitive
Do functions as pro-verb substituting for some lexical verb, in one common pattern, do combines with a following pronoun it or this/that to form a transitive pro-verb construction:
I didn't do it.
We can't let you do that.

In some cases pro-verb do can substitute a specific lexical verb.

Copular verbs
• copula “be”
• sensory copular verbs
• resulting copular verbs

Sensory copular verbs

Common adjectives: awful, different, happy, lovely, pale, sad, puzzled, small, surprised, terrible, tired, well, young
Do I look nice?
It looks nice, doesn't it?

Common adjectives: ashamed, bad, better, cold, good, guilty, sick, sure, tired, uncomfortable, uneasy
• Physical state of being:
I'll make you feel better.
My hands feel cold.
• Mental state of being:
I always feel guilty passing Mike's house.
He felt uneasy.

Awful, angry, sad and strange to report actual hearing perceptions while good, nice, silly, stupid and interesting are used in reaction to previous utterances.
• Hearing perceptions:
She doesn't sound angry anymore.
• Reaction to idea:
Oh how nice. That sounds good to me.

Reports the smells perceived by the speaker, using adjectives such as: awful, bad, funny, musty, odd, rotten, terrible, delicious, fresh, good, lovely, nice.
The food smelled good to her.
It smells funny in here.

The verb is restricted to occasional to occasional occurrences in conversation and fiction that report taste perceptions, using adjectives like awful, horrible, nice, wonderful.
They just taste awful.

Resulting copular verbs (= zmena stavu)

- describes the process involved in changing from one state to another
The adjectives clear and apparent are most common, but also: aware, difficult, evident, important, possible, familiar, silent.
Raymond soon became aware that his strategy and hard work was paying dividends.

- angry, bigger, better, bored, cold, dressed (up), drunk, lost, mad, mixed (up), old, older, pissed (off), sick, tired, upset, wet, worse, ready
And people get pissed off, don't they?
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