6.1. Interventions to strengthen security
A disturbing feature of school shootings is that sometimes heavily armed students have succeeded in carrying into schools undetected guns, ammunition, and explosives. As a result, increasing security and limiting access are often identified as high priorities in deterring school violence. Many schools limit access and egress, and many conduct routine or random searches of school bags and lockers. Some schools have installed metal detectors, although these efforts are more common in large, urban schools (Juvonen, 2001). Recent reductions in the numbers of students who carry guns to school (CDC, 2005a) may be a reflection of these changes. In addition, the introduction of police in the role of school resource officers (SROs) into the school environment is a related effort to increase deterrence; to provide the capability of responding quickly to crises; and to afford a visible sense of security to students, teachers, staff, and parents. At the same time, the activities of SROs are often focused on increasing bonding at schools. Although the presence of a uniformed police officer may help to create a sense of safety at school, it is unknown whether an officer's presence may also contribute to an atmosphere of fear, which could adversely affect the school climate (Juvonen, 2001). Most schools appear to regard SROs as contributing to security, and in at least one instance (Orange High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina) a SRO was credited with disarming a shooter before major injuries occurred (Rocha, 2006). Complementing changes in the ease of access to schools and the growing presence of SROs, many school districts have adopted policies that concomitantly reinforce prosocial behavior and provide added resources for needy or disruptive students. These policies range from anti-bullying and dress code policies to referral and support for youths who are alienated or victimized. Such policy changes also include an expanded use of suspension or expulsion. Many school districts have developed magnet, alternative, and charter schools that offer educational programs for youths who cannot benefit from routine classroom settings (Quinn, Poirier, Faller, Gable, & Tonelson, 2006). The impact of these programs on school violence is unclear but they provide an additional resource for students.
6.2. Interventions to strengthen the school climate
Interventions aimed at increasing school bonding and connectedness focus on fostering trust between staff and students, increasing student involvement, and eliminating social stratification. Activities often center on reducing peer rejection, strengthening school attachment, and breaking down codes of silence. Although these programs take different forms, they typically include school policies that promote participation in extracurricular activities, rules prohibiting bullying and other forms of social aggression, and protocols for training students and teachers in problem-solving methods to promote conflict resolution. The latter may include programs to mediate disputes among peers, to strengthen social skills, and to promote social or character development. Examples of these programs include Second Step (Frey, Nolen, Edstrom, & Hirschstein, 2005), the Seattle Social Development Project (Catalano et al., 2004), and Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (Farrell, Meyer, & Daulberg, 1996).
6.2.1. Second Step
The Second Step program uses group modeling, anger management, and group discussion to increase students' social competence, decision-making ability, goal setting, and empathy levels. The program is designed for preschool through middle-school students and is implemented through the classroom (Committee for Children, 2007). Lessons are based on interpersonal situations and include presentation of photographic images depicting specific social situations. Trained facilitators or teachers then guide discussion related to the situation. The program provides training for teachers in administering the program, and both the content and number of lessons are adjusted for student age. The Committee for Children and the University of Washington collaborated on a 2-year study to assess the effectiveness of Second Step in a sample of 15 schools that involved a total of 1253 students in eight intervention schools and seven control schools. The results indicated that students who participated in Second Step were 42% less aggressive and 37% more likely to choose positive social goals as compared to their counterparts in the control group schools. Moreover, Second Step participants required 41% less adult intervention in minor conflicts, and showed 78% greater improvement in teacher ratings of social competence (Frey et al., 2005). An independent study of the Second Step program and five other social and character education programs is currently funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences.
6.2.2. Seattle Social Development Project
The Seattle Social Development Project (SSDP) is one of the first elementary-school delinquency prevention projects. A longitudinal research study, SSDP began in 1981. The purpose of the project was to reduce the risk factors that contribute to delinquency and drug use. Classroom based, SSDP promoted social competence, prosocial behavior, and school bonding (Catalano et al., 2004). A longitudinal followup study of 605 participants found that, when compared with nonparticipants, SSDP participants who received the full intervention program functioned significantly better on 7 of 8 work and school outcomes: (a) constructive engagement at school or work; (b) high school completion; (c) 2 years or more of college; (d) school integration; (e) employment status; (f) job responsibility; (g) total years at present job; and (h) constructive self-efficacy. Moreover, SSDP participants reported better regulation of emotions and fewer symptoms of social phobia and suicidal thoughts (Hawkins, Kosterman, Catalano, Hill, & Abbott, 2005; Hawkins et al., 2007).
6.2.3. Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways
The classroom-based Responding in Peaceful and PositiveWays (RIPP) program focuses on teaching conflict resolution skills. The problemsolving curriculum was delivered over 3 years to middle-school youth (grades 6, 7, and 8). RIPP curriculum centers on stereotypes, beliefs, attributions, and scripts that contribute to violence (Farrell et al., 1996; Farrell, Meyer, & White, 2001). In the Richmond, Virginia public school system, a sample of 626 sixth graders from three regular education classrooms were randomly assigned into either a treatment condition that received RIPP or comparison(no treatment) condition. Themajority of the sample was African American (96%), and both conditions had equal numbers of boys and girls. Compared to students who received RIPP, students in the comparison group were 4.9 times more likely to have an in-school suspension and 2.5 times more likely to have a fightrelated injury. Students in the intervention group showed greater knowledge of problem-solving skills (adjusted means=8.9 vs. 7.0, pb.001; Farrell et al., 2001). A variety of other programs use similar approaches including FAST Track (Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group [CPPRG], 2002, 2006, 2007); PATHS (Kam, Greenberg, & Kusche, 2004); Making Choices (Fraser et al., 2005); and Life Skills (Botvin, Griffin, & Nichols, 2006), and have evidence supporting their effectiveness Some of these programs involve complex teacher, parent, and school-level elements that require extensive organizational commitments. Other programs are classroom-based curricula that may be adopted by teachers as a part of routine instruction. These classroom- based programs tend to require minimal parent involvement and they have lower school burden. Though they may be as effective as more comprehensive programs (Wilson & Lipsey, 2007), their long-term effects are less certain. The multilayered, more complex programs, such as SSDP, FAST Track, and Life Skills, have been shown to affect distal outcomes in adolescence and young adulthood (Botvin et al., 2006; CPPRG, 2007; Hawkins et al., 2007). However, although many programs have shown efficacy in reducing aggressive behavior and delinquency, no programeffect has been demonstrated effective on relatively rarely occurring events such as school shootings or bombings.
7. Discussion
More is known about school shootings in which the shooter is a student rather than an adult exploiting the vulnerability of the school setting. On balance, adult shooters appear to select a school as a convenient setting in which to commit mass violence. Much of the emerging knowledge about shootings is derived from case studies of shooting events and, because shootings in which a student is the perpetrator are more frequent, we are beginning to make sense of these seemingly nonsensical events. This emerging body of research, which is primarily characterized by case studies, case comparison, and anecdotal media reports, has given rise to an overarching strategy. As a first step, risk factors that are subject to change by altering conditions and processes within schools and neighborhoods must be identified. Once identified, the second step involves matching these risk factors to procedures designed to affect change, such as strategies that alter school ingress and egress, routines that formalize referral protocols with local mental health authorities with expertise in working with potentially violent students, and processes that open the lines of communication among students, teachers, administrators, and parents. These strategies should be based on the best information currently available and grounded in the literature of prevention science. A number of malleable risk factors have been identified. Risk factors at the student level include alienation from school, rejection and victimization by peers, access to guns, practicing with guns, and leakage of plans. Furthermore, these individual level factors themselves have known predictors. For example, poor social problem-solving skills is predictive of relational problems with peers, low school involvement is related to alienation, and exposure to violent media is related to views about the use of weapons to resolve disputes (Cauffman, Feldman, Waterman, & Steiner, 1998; Moore, Petrie, Braga, & McLaughlin, 2003; Nansel et al., 2003; Rudatsikira, Singh, Job, & Knutsen, 2007). Risk factors that have been identified at the school level include high social stratification; low school bonding; inconsistent rule enforcement; poor security (including monitoring and communication); norms supporting social aggression (including bullying); and ill-defined response systems (including procedures for teachers who are alarmed by the behavior or work of students). Similar to the process used in the Communities That Care Prevention Operating System (Catalano, 2007), a process of identifying risks and matching those risks to discrete interventions is recommended. This process should produce a multi level response, including collaboration among educational, juvenile justice, and mental health authorities.
7.1. Six strategies to address malleable risk factors
From the literature, six strategies have emerged that could reduce the vulnerability of schools to a shooting event: (a) strengthening school attachment; (b) reducing social aggression; (c) breaking down codes of silence; (d) establishing resources (e.g., screening, assessment, and intervention) for troubled and rejected students; (e) increasing security; and (f) bolstering communications within the school and between the school and community agencies. If implemented successfully, programs based on these six strategies are likely to reduce social stratification, increase school bonding, and provide early intervention to ostracized and angry students who, if exposed to other risk factors, may have a higher likelihood of violence. However, these six strategies are likely to affect student shooters more than adult shooters, for whom the central school-based deterrent may only be the physical security of a potential target.
7.1.1. Strengthening school attachment
Strengthening school attachment entails increasing the investment of students and staff in the school community. No shooting has involved a student who was attached and committed to school. Large, academically competitive schools with high levels of social stratification appear to be especially vulnerable to poor school attachment. Developing curricular and extracurricular programs with wide participation by students contributes to a sense of belonging, which, in turn, decreases alienation and reduces hostility that can motivate individuals' depression and anger.
7.1.2. Reducing social aggression
Unlike physical aggression, social aggression (e.g., teasing, taunting, humiliation, and bullying) has curried less attention in prevention efforts. However, research suggests that social aggression is an important predictor of developmental outcomes for both victims and perpetrators (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995; Galen & Underwood, 1997; La Greca & Harrison, 2005; Rudatsikira et al., 2007). The impact of social aggression is easily underestimated because of its covert nature. Although social aggression is clearly related to low school attachment, high social stratification, peer rejection, and peer victimization, the question of how to change these social dynamical patterns of aggression remains unanswered. Some social skills training programs, such as Making Choices, have demonstrated positive effects on social aggression in elementaryschool students (Fraser et al., 2005), and bullying preventions programs appear to produce positive effects on social aggression in middle- and high-school students (Orpinas & Horne, 2006). Though teachers may witness socially aggressive behavior in the classroom, social aggression occurs more often in informal settings where teachers are not present. Social and character development programs that more broadly address norms for peer relations and expectations for peer-related behavior may offer promise.
7.1.3. Breaking down codes of silence
Codes of silence not only provide protection for potential shooters but also characterize school climates of mistrust. Students are more likely to report concerns about fellow students if (a) a school provides an anonymous mechanism for voicing concerns, (b) students' concerns produce visible action, and (c) disclosures are treated discreetly.
7.1.4. Establishing resources for troubled and rejected students
A concerted effort is needed to address the social and emotional needs of students. Community mental health systems need to work closely with schools to develop protocols for assessing the mental health needs of students, especially those that show evidence of suicidal ideation, depression, and anger. Establishing routine and emergency modes of communication — especially high priority referral protocols — could reduce the likelihood of students falling between the cracks and acting out against the school. Ethical and legal considerations (e.g., what constitutes a breach of confidentiality, and when is that breach necessary) should be clarified in advance and in writing by schools and mental health agencies. Collaboration among mental health agencies and school personnel can provide students with the resources they need to stay involved in the school environment.
7.1.5. Increasing security
Increasing security by adding to human resources or altering the physical environment can reduce vulnerability and enhance connectedness. Although there are no systematic evaluations of the effects of SROs, anecdotal evidence has suggested that “target hardening” strategies such as altering ingress and egress, installing metal detectors, and increasing security alters perceptions of the threat of detection and produces a deterrent effect. In addition, increasing the human resources dedicated to security may have an indirect effect on vulnerability. As a symbolic representation of school commitment to safety, the presence of a SRO may increase confidence and decrease feelings of vulnerability for teachers, students, and parents (Finn, 2006). This increased perception of school security, in turn, has the potential to bolster school attachment and promote breaking down codes of silence.
7.1.6. Increasing communications within school and between the school and agencies
Because most school shooters leak information prior to an attack, increasing communication within the school and the school community may provide authorities with sufficient early warning to save lives. In the event of an attack, rapid communication can assist in instructing students to take cover or to evacuate safely to secure campus locations. In addition, effective communication may help to identify the location of an attacker and to disrupt a developing event. Ideally, two-way communication is needed but even one-way communication may be effective. For example, during a recent school shooting in a Cleveland high school, the principal used the school intercom to announce a “code blue,” meaning that the school was under attack. Students hearing the announcement were able to avoid the shooter by taking cover (CNN, 2007b). The increased accessibility and use of text messaging via cell phones may also provide a venue to quickly alert the school community of a possible shooting. Mass text message alert systems are under consideration by many colleges and universities in which a large percentage of students, teachers, and administrators own personal cell phones, most with text messaging capabilities. Utilizing a line of communication that is already normative could be a powerful tool in disseminating important lifesaving information. More broadly, protocols for communicating and assessing threat potential should be established. In universities and high schools, English faculty teach required courses and are often exposed to a majority of students. This interaction allows these faculty unusual opportunities to identify troubled and potentially violent students because essays and compositions can reflect the mental state of the writer. Prior to the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings, English teachers sought assistance and made referrals that, if properly evaluated, might have averted disasters. Guidelines should be developed that outline referral and assessment procedures for students whose writings may present leakage or whose class behavior may be alienating or intimidating to either faculty or other students. These guidelines should support teachers in making judgments that must counterbalance privacy and academic freedom with public safety. In addition, the ethical and legal vulnerabilities of teachers who choose not to report need to be described, and an evaluative procedure for assessing teacher referrals should be established. This procedure might, for example, involve discreet and rapid review by a panel of experts from school, juvenile justice, and mental health authorities. Successful implementation depends upon collaboration and creating safe, supportive, and confidential structures for teachers.
8. Making sense of what makes no sense
Fortunately, school shootings are rare events. However, each time one occurs, it displays the unsettling susceptibility of schools and universities to acts of violence. Although events are unique, patterns across events have emerged. From case comparisons, media reports, and expert testimony, we described six strategies to strengthen school bonding, to identify troubled and potentially violent youths, and to respond rapidly in the face of a threat. Much more could be said about rapid response, about Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams, and about evacuation as efforts to reduce injuries (e.g., Browman, 2001). However, we have focused on the social and psychological conditions that, if addressed, could reduce vulnerability and strengthen school experiences for all children