Famous Slovak - Slávni Slováci
Dara Rolins Darina Rolincova alias name / full name Dara Rolins was born in 1972 in Bratislava. Dara is probably the most famous singer in the Slovakia. When she was only eight years to make one´s first film. Dara recorded its first record in years 1982. She 2.December obtain Zlatý slávik. She to studiet in Prague on the conservatory. Dara become successful singer till today. Today you can see Daru in CzechSlovakia Superstar as jurywoman. She two years live with singer and guitarist Matejom Homolom. They lived in Pragua and they had one children which oneself called Laura.
Nela Pocisková Nela Pociskova was born in 1990 in Bratislava. Nela is probably most famous singer and actress in the Slovakia. Nela sings from 8 years. When she was only 14 years to get roile in the musical Neberte nám princeznú. Later plav in the dance drama Labuťko. In years 2009 with Kamilom Mikulčíkom particitape Eurovision song Contest 2009 in Moskva. The song Leť tmou was chosen after a national final. Today to study in Bratislava on the conservatory. Nela also play in musical West Side Story how Mária. Today you can see Nelu play in too TV serials Ordinacia v ružovej záhrade.