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Piatok, 7. marca 2025
British history
Dátum pridania: 30.11.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: neuvedeny
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 801
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 2.9
Priemerná známka: 2.95 Rýchle čítanie: 4m 50s
Pomalé čítanie: 7m 15s
3000-2000 BC The Iberians inhabit England
700 Invasion of Celtic tribes(Gaels, Brythons, Belgae)
55-54 invasion of Julius Caesar
409 AD The end of Roman rule brought by the barbarians(Scots, Picts)
5th century Saxons&Angles raiding Britain
6th century 10 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms
597 St.Augustine's mission in Kent - Christianity in Britain
9th cent. Danish raids
871 Alfred the Great - king of Wessex - defeats Danes in 9 battles
England divided into 2 parts(Danelaw[NE] and Saxon England[SW])
10th century Danish attacks renewed - D. set a condition for withdrawal-the payment-the Danegeld
1017-1035 Danes on English throne
11th century The Downfall of Saxons - the death of Edward the Confessor(1066), election of Harold
1066 Battle at Hastings-Harold killed and William the Conqueror acclaimed as the king on Xmas Day
1085 Domesday Book - collection of wealth of William's vassals
1100 Henry I(Conqueror's son) reorganizes the judicial system - creates King's Court
1135 19 years long civil war
12th century Plantagenet era - Henry II gains English crown
"Planta genista" - gay yellow broom flower worn by Henry II's father
3 families(Anjous, Lancasters, Yorks)
Henry II gains control of clergy through his courts - a judge in each shire - "Common law"
1189 his son Richard I (Coeur-de-lion) becomes king takes part in 3rd crusade
1199 Henry's son John "Lackland"
1215 accepts Magna Charta-the Great Charter- (the Church may choose its officials, the King must not charge duty on his tenants without their consent, no freeman may be punished except according to the laws of the land)
-1217 civil war
1217 during the reign of Henry III; "Parliament" - council of representatives of the burgesses of towns and 2 knights from each shire (Commons&Knights)
1277 Prince Edward I conquers Wales and starts war with Scots(gains the title of Prince of Wales upon all male heirs)
1337-1453 Hundred Years' War in the reign of Edward III, Henry V, Henry VI.
1348 first attack of plague "The Black Death"
1381 The Peasants' Uprising(to abolish serfdom, to commutate servile dues...)
revolt put down and leaders executed
1455 The Wars of Roses (wars between Lancasters-red and Yorks-white) - in reign of seven kings; last one(Richard III-Yorkist) defeated by 1485 Henry VII Lancaster.
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Podobné referáty
British history SOŠ 2.9301 443 slov
British history GYM 2.9687 443 slov
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