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Car Expo Nitra 2011

Car expo Nitra 2011

This year we were at Car Expo in Nitra. The Expo was organised near farmer’s museum.

It was a school trip. We traveled by three buses. We set off at eight o‘clock. The jorney took about one hour. The traveling was good. We could see lots of interesting cars from different manufactures. The nicest cars were for me new Škoda Vision and the Alfa Romeo Brera. This year I did not see Ferari. The most interesting were oldtimer cars and the old fire fighter technology. There was an old fire fighting pump powered with steam engine and many oldtimer fire trucks. There were different types of interesting motobikes chopper bikes,supermotos and offroad motorcycles. There we could buy drink and fast food and suvenirs too. We ended at twelve o‘clock. I am arrived home at 13:30 pm.

This year Car Expo was very good. The weather was very nice too. It was sunny and warm.

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