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What I don't like about Slovakia

• Nepaci sa mi korupcia, ktora je na takmer vsade. I don’t like corruption; it is almost everywhere.

• Informacny system na Slovensku je velmi nedostatocny.

Information system is very deficient in Slovakia.

• Nizka zivotna uroven Slovakov v porovnani s inymi statmi.

Slovak people have got lower standard of living than other states in Western Europe.

• Ako obyvatel Slovenska je problem vycestovat do vyspelych svetovych krajin.

As a citizen of Slovakia, you will have problems with traveling in more developed countries of the world.

• Rasizmus prevlada u vacsiny ludi ktorych poznam.

Racism is a dominate problem with most Slovak people that I know.

• Alkohol, fajcenie a drogy su u mladych ludi velmi rozsirene.

Alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and drugs are very common among young people.

• Nepaci sa mi ako sa ludia stavaju ku kulturnym pamiatkam, ktore sme zdedili po nasich predkoch.

I don't like peoples’ attitude towards cultural sights we have inherited from our ancestors.

• Slovensko nie je sebestacny stat a viac musime dovazat ako vyvazat.

Slovakia isn’t a self-sufficient country; import is greater than export.

• Nepacilo sa mi ked skrachovali penazne institucie a vela ludi prislo o svoje peniaze na ukor zbohatlikov.

I didn’t like bankruptcies of financial institutions where a lot of people lost their money and other people got richer.

• Pracovnici statnej spravy by si mali uvedomit, ze oni su tu pre nas, plateni z nasich dani, a podla toho by mali aj jednat z ludmi.

Workers of state administration should awake and realize that they are here for us, we pay them with our taxes, and they should deal with people according to that.

• V nemocniciach je to skor vynimka ako pravidlo dobra lekarska starostlivost.

In hospitals, a good medical care is usually an exception rather than a rule.

• Najviac sa mi nepaci, ked sa ludia iba stazuju a nic nespravia, tak ako ja teraz. I most don’t like when people are complaining about everything and they are doing nothing, like me right now in my homework.

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