– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Sobota, 22. februára 2025
Mass media
Dátum pridania: 16.04.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Lilo
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 650
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 2.1
Priemerná známka: 2.96 Rýchle čítanie: 3m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 5m 15s
Information is very important for our ordinary live. The biggest and the most important sources of inf. are mass media, which consists of newspapers, magazines, radios, TV and in the last years even the internet. In these media you can find news, education,...

They are the most common source of imformations, because they are published every day. In Britain they are differed to as broadsheets and tabloids. Tabloids are called popular news because the majority people read them. The articles are not very long and not very serious, they use strip – cartoons and humorous drawing reacting to some political events and they have lots of stories about sex, scandals,.. They have also big sport selections, lot of inf. about TV programmes, advertisements, pop stars,.. The most read tabloids are The Sun, The Mirror and Daily Mail. Only fewer people read broadsheets. They are quality. The articles are longer and more serious and they haven´t so much pictures. The oldest and most famouse quality newspaper is The Time. In Slovakia we have many quality newspapers – Pravda, Nový čas, Národná obroda,...

There are many weekly and monthly magazines. They are intended for people of various interests. Some of them are for women or for men. Magazines for children are usually about pop stars, music,.. Radios:
A lot of people like listening to the radio. Radio is very important source of inf. Radio is very
good source of music and various kinds of inf.,too. In Slovakia we have almost 20 radios. There are diferent kinds radios:
1. private independent radios
2. local radios
3. state radios
Radios broadcast a lot of diferent programmes: education and entertaiment programme, quizze, discussions,...The radios broadcast every day in the same time the most important news in shortcuts. The style of news is very formal especially on state radios. But on private radios the style isn´t very formal and they give inf. by funny way. The broadcasting in U.K. is provided by BBC, which has 4 TV and 4 radio channels. 1. presents almost news and inf. programmes. 2.+ 3. are for light programmes like radio soap operas, competitions, 4. present cultural programmes. Television:
A large number of people are concerned with TV every day. TV is another very used source of inf. The hightest watching rate have TV news, good films, knowledge quizzes and of course soap operas. Many people say, that watching TV is wastw of time.
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