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Štvrtok, 13. marca 2025
If you travelled to GB or USA what would you like to see?
Dátum pridania: 22.06.2006 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Preg
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 181
Referát vhodný pre: Iné (napr. kurzy) Počet A4: 3.2
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 0s
If I had the opportunity to go anywhere I would like to see in the USA, I’d choose Wyoming. I don’t like big cities, they are too hectic for me. I prefer quiet and peaceful environment. But now back to Wyoming. It is called the Equality state. Its shape is rectangular and it is traversed by the Rocky Mountains. East of the mountains there is the rolling country of the Great Plains. Both the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains are very interesting and visiting these places definitely would be worth it.The entire northwest corner of the state occupies the Yellowstone National Park. Another wonderful national park is Grand Teton, which embraces Teton Range. Yellowstone was the world’s first national park. Being in Yellowstone I wouldn’t miss out the geysers and hot springs, for example the Steamboat Geyser which is the biggest one in the world, it can erupt to more than 90 meters.

Than there is the spectacular Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. As I am keen on nature, I’d love to see all the animals living in the wild. I found out that there were nation’s largest herds of elk and antelope and that there are plenty of bears, moose and deer.As for the monuments I’d like to see the Devils Tower and Fossil Butte. I also would like to visit the capital Cheyenne, which is the largest city.But before all this I would need to prepare myself for the journey properly. I would have to start with the visa, because even as a member of the European Union Slovak people still need visa if they want to visit the USA. It is not as simple as it may look like to get it. I would have to go to the embassy and ask for it, I would have to prove my financial, economical and social commitments to Slovakia, so I’d come back home after visiting the country. Then submit basic documents about my job if I have one, my financial situation and finally purpose and length of visiting the USA.I would also have to have passport valid at least six months after leaving the USA. And last condition for getting a visa would be taking my fingerprints.I understand that the USA as a country is trying to protect from unwanted swarm of immigrants. But it is very difficult for people who want just to see the country or visit some friends.With the visa I can choose how I would like to travel to the USA. Personally I’d prefer flying, because it is the fastest way of transportation and I like the feeling when the plane takes off. But if I had enough time and money I’d sail on a big luxurious boat.

As for the accommodation, the best would be to have friends there and stay in their house. Another option is to stay in a hotel, motel, or some cottage, and for those who like the nature there is the opportunity to stay in a camp, or in the summer even a tent.With travelling to GB I have some experience. I was there for a year. At the time, I needed the visa, but now I wouldn’t need it any more, because both Slovakia and GB are members of the European Union.On the way there I had to travel by bus, it was very uncomfortable, long and back aching journey. Unbelievable thirty hours squashed on a small seat, with only short and scattered stops to stretch myself; running with all the luggage across London streets to catch the next bus. I wouldn’t repeat this any more.My final destination was to get on a farm, near Weston on the Green, which is approximately 15 kilometres from Oxford. I went there to be an au-pair in a family with four children. Well it wasn’t easy, but somehow I managed to pass and get the FCE, which was the main purpose of my stay in England.So I didn’t have to look for the accommodation. But in Oxford, there were many other opportunities; the most of my friends were staying in a flat or house with an English family that had a spare room.Oxford is a wonderful place! I had two most favourite places in Oxford. On sunny days it was the Oxford Botanic Gardens which is the oldest in England.

Aside from the original beds of herbs and medicinal plants the gardens now sport a series of glasshouses devoted to Tropical Lilies, Arid zone plants, and Palms. Herbaceous borders, a rock garden, and bog garden complete this peaceful enclave on the banks of the Cherwell. There was even a pair of swans. I loved the peaceful atmosphere there, I could sit there and watch the breeze whiff the leaves of the trees, or simply look at multicoloured flowers.When it was raining, or the weather wasn’t ideal, I went to the Ashmolean museum. It is the biggest museum I have ever seen. And the most interesting, I have to say, I spent there many hours, and I dare to say I didn’t see all of it.But Oxford is known as a town of students. It is full of universities, exactly 39 official Colleges of the University and the seven Permanent Private Halls. So the town was full of young people.I felt good when I saw so many young people, especially when I felt so lonely. It was nice when someone asked me where this or that was.What I did like about travelling was the Park and Ride, it was a complex of car parks abroad the town where you could park your car and then go to the town by a double-decker bus. So you don’t get stuck in a traffic jam, because there is a separate part of the road for buses called the bus line, and you don’t have to pay expensive park places in the town centre.In general the people in Oxford are very nice, helpful and I felt a lot better then in Slovakia I must say, because it was visible that these people were happy and they weren’t jealous.

I think that English are very polite.I have to say that I wasn´t only in Oxford; I also visited London, where I saw the Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guards, Piccadilly Circus, the National Gallery and the Tate Gallery. Unfortunately didn´t see much of the galleries, because I was short of time. But my most favourite are the parks although I didn’t see much of them either.Than I was to Birmingham, but I didn’t see anything except the airport, when I went back home. Two hours by plane comparing to the thirty by bus were like Eden. So I have to say that I would go anytime back by plane, because there are many other nice places in GB I would like to see in future.
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