- Eating habits in SR/GB + my eating habits
- Eating and drinking places
- Types of meals
- Which restaurant do you prefer?
- Compare fast food and ordinary restaurant
- Occassions you go to restaurants ( wedding, anniversary, graduation, birthday, promotion, visit of foreigners )
- Why do you think people become vegetarians or are on a diet?
- Junk food
- What meal can you cook and how do you prepare them + recipe
- Describe pictures
coach-potato lifestyle
nutrition = výživa
nutrients = vitamíny
in results in = má za následok
consequence in = má za dôsledok
substantial = výdatný
starving to death = umierať na vyhladovanie
hang on = počkaj
hand in = odovzdať
breakfast = raňajky
snack = desiata
lunch = ľahký obed
supper = večera
brunch = breakfast + lunch
go out, dine out, eat out = ísť jesť von
demand = vyžadovať
put down = zaznamenať si
care for = stáť o niečo
go without = zaobísť sa bez toho
side dishes = prílohy
garnish = obloha
helping = porcia
leftovers, remains = zvyšky
appetizer = starter
chop = krájať
stir = miešať
scramble = zamiešať
slice = krájať
grate = strúhať
peel = šúpať
pastries = lístkové cesto
dumplings = knedľa
greasy = mastný
bitter = horký
sour = kyslý
stale = starý
fizzy = bublinkový
rare = surový, krvavý
swallow = prehĺtať
chew = prežúvať
nibble = okusovať
sprouts = ružičkový kel
parcly = petržlen
pulses = strukoviny
mushrooms = huby
leek = pór
onion = cibuľa
garlic = cesnak
shallot = šalotka
chive = pažitka
potato = zemiak
asparagus = špargľa
kohlrabi = kaleráb
bamboo shoot = bambusový výhonok
celery = zeler
fennel = fenikel
leaf lettuce = lístkový šalát
butterhead lettuce = hlávkový šalát
cabbage = kapusta
kale = kel
nettle = žihľava
spinach = špenát
cauliflower = karfiol
broccoli = brokolica
avocado = avocado
tomato = paradajka
olive = oliva
pepper = paprika
chilli = čili paprička
cucumber = uhorka
courgette = cukina
pattypan squash = patizón
horseradish = chren
radish = reďkovka
carrot = mrkva
parsnip = paštrnák
beetroot = cvikla
celeriac = zeler
lentils = šošovica
peanut = arašid
broad beans = bôb
bean = fazuľa
green peas = hrášok
peas = hrach
soybeans = sója
soybean sprouts = fazuľové klíčky
FRUITSredcurrant = červené ríbezle
blackcurrant = čierne ríbezle
gooseberry = egreš
grape = hrozno
blueberry/bilberry = čučoriedka
red whortleberry = brusnica
raspberry = malina
blackberry = černica
strawberry = jahoda
juniper berry = borievka
plum = slivka
peach = broskyňa
nectarine = nektarinka
apricot = marhuľa
cherry = čerešňa
date = datľa
coconut = kokos
pear = hruška
apple = jablko
lemon = citron
lime = limetka
orange = pomaranč
mandarin = mandarinka
grapefruit = grep
watermelon = melon
muskmelon = cukrový melon
banana = banán
kiwi = kivi
pineapple = ananás
fig = figa
mango = mango
papaya = papája
SPICEScaraway = rasca
clove = klinček
pepper = korenie
cinnamon = škorica
saffron = šafran
cumin = kmín
curry = karí
paprika = červená paprika
chilli powder = mleté čili
ground pepper = čierne korenie
ginger = zázvor
poppy seeds = mak
CONDIMENTSTabasco sauce = tabasková omáčka
Worcestershire sauce = worcesterová omáčka
vanilla extract = vanilkový extrakt
tomato paste = paradajkový pretlak
tomato coulis = paradajkové pyré
soy sauce = sójová omáčka
mustard = horčica
ketchup = kečup
vinegar = ocot
olive oil = olivový olej
sunflower-seed oil = slnečnicový olej
peanut oil = arašidový olej
sesame oil = sezamový olej
table salt = kuchynská soľ
sea salt = morská soľ
granulated sugar = kryštáľový cukor
powdered sugar = práškový cukor
rice = ryža
oats = ovos
wheat = pšenica
rye = raž
millet = proso
corn = kukurica
barley = jačmeň
-milk chocolate
-white chocolate
-dark chocolate
cream cheese
beef = hovädzina
tenderloin roast = sviečkovica
veal = teľacina
steak = biftek
roast = pečienka, stehno, krkovička
chop = kotleta
lamb = jahňacina
loin chop = karé
smoked ham = údená šunka
andouillette ( jaternica )
Ideas about fast food and typical restaurants :
- no service
- don´t sit at the table, have to go to the counter and order food there
- oil dishes, junk food
- pay at the counter/ check-out desk/ casser´s desk
- have to take your food/ carry your meal to place you want to sit
- no cutlery or plastic cutlery ( knife, spoon, pork )
- plastic tray – after ypu finish your meal you throw it away to litter bin
- smell of oil
- cheaper and faster than restaurant
- you can take your meal home
- appropriate clothes
- waiter who serves you during your visit
- more expensive than fast food
- have to choose from several courts – it depends on occasion
- we are given a menu by waiter
- we can have dessert
- after we finish our meal we call a waiter and ask him for a bill
- soft music
- tablecloth around the table
Receipt of French pancakes
Ingredients :
3 eggs
250 G of flour
½ liter of milk and water
1 salt pinch
2 spoons with sugar soup
2 spoons with oil soup
perfume – vanilla, rum, piece of lemon peel
Receipt :
- Put the flour in a salad bowl and to break eggs inside.
- Gradually add milk and water while beating with a whip so that there are no lumps.
- Then add salt, sugar and oil, to stir up.
- Add the perfume.
- Make heat a frying pan and put a little paste inside. When surface is gilded, turn over the pancake and make cook the other face.
- Be useful with a little sugar, jam or the molten chocolate.
Different places where you can eat.
Traditional restaurant :
-atmosphere of a country it is devoted in
-everything reminds the character of the country
-special, high quality dishes
-waiters can wear traditional costumes
-service is often unhurried and friendly
-calm place
-national meals
-often expensive
Pub :
-simplier dishes, but well prepared
-soups, sausages, beer
-noisy atmosphere, uncomfortable chairs, smoky room
-service is not very polite
Cafeteria/Canteen :
-self – service restaurant
-counter where you get your meal
Tea – room/Caffée
Night club
Snack bar
Dining room
Fast food restaurant
Ordinary restaurant
receipt = potvrdenka
recipe = recept
prescription = recept na liek
baking tray = plech na pečenie
toss = hodiť
thoroughly = dôkladne
wooden spoon = varecha
whisk = šľahať
drain/strain = scediť
sieve/sift = sypať cez sitko
greater = nastrúhať
knead = zamiesiť cesto
crush = pretlačiť cesnak
mashed potatoes = tlačené zemiaky
skewer = ihla, na ktorú picháme mäso
sprinkle = posypať
dip = namáčať, namáčanie
spread = natrieť
simmer = zahrievať, kvasiť
baggel/round rolls = pečivo
rub = potrieť
mince = zomlieť
core = dreň, ohryzok, jadro
shell = lúpať
beat = šľahať
whip = krém
ground = zomlieť
garnish = obložiť
season = ochutiť
seasoned = ochutený
toss in flour = coat in flour = obaliť v múke
toss the salad = premiešať šalát
work the dough = vymiesiť cesto
grease the tray = potrieť plech
yeast = kvasnice
joint = putika
bother = obťažovať