– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Sobota, 22. februára 2025
Dátum pridania: 20.08.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: holdenko
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 046
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 3.3
Priemerná známka: 2.93 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 15s

Criterias which can influence people´s choice :

  • kind of job – outdoor( read, watch TV,...), indoor( sport, physical activity,...)
  • season – winter( ski, do some repairs at home,...), spring+summer( cycling, festivals, gardening, maintenance, swimming,....)
  • nature of people, talent, aim, goal, skills, promotion( introvert, shy – stays at home, reads books, collect things, take care of children,.... socialized people – team sports, friends, parties, dine out,... ambitious – study more, extend education,...)
  • age
  • health

switch to sth = zmeniť činnosť
leisure time = voľný čas
draw a line = oddeliť, rozlišovať
devote time to sth = venovať čas
to swap = vymeniť
hiking = pešia turistika
survey = prieskum
maintenance = údržba
convince = presvedčiť
take opposing views = mať rozdielne názory
clash-essential = je životne dôležité, podstatné
dread = obávať sa
sacrifice = obeť
average = priemer
division = delenie
obligation = povinnosť
proportion = pomer
relate to = týkať sa niečoho
volunteer = dobrovoľník
dweller = obyvateľ
estimate = odhad
flaw = formálna chyba, trhlina
narrow = zúžiť
pace = rýchlosť, tempo
rejuvenate = omladiť sa
simultaneously = súčasne
widespread = rozšírený

entertainment, practise one´s hobby, collector´s clubs, keep pets, a weekend cottage, leisure time activities – play a musical instrument, amateur groups, folk dancing, modern dancing
sport activities – playing ball games, hiking, cycling, rowing, jogging, swimming, roller-skating, skate-boarding, wind-surfing, wave-gliding, skiing, camping, gathering mushrooms
when you stay at home – watch TV, listen to music, play computer games, read, get a video, get a takeaway, get take out
when you go to the cinema, a restaurant, a club – go out, go out to dinner/lunch/for a meal, go to the cinema/movies, go to the concert, go clubbing/to the club, go to a café/a bar/the pub, go to the theatre, go shopping
when you go outdoors – go to the beach, to the park, have a picnic, go for a walk/for a run, walk the dog, take the dog for a walk, go sailing/climbing/skiing/camping
when you spend time with your friends – go over to sb´s house, have a party/a barbecue, meet up with sb, go out with your boyfriend/girlfriend

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