– Všetko čo študent potrebuje
Sobota, 22. februára 2025
Health care
Dátum pridania: 01.08.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: milly
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 246
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 0.9
Priemerná známka: 2.99 Rýchle čítanie: 1m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 2m 15s
Starostlivosť o zdravie:

a) ľudské telo,
b) bežné a ľudské civilizačné choroby, úrazy, telesné a fyzické stavy, návšteva u lekára, v lekárni,
c) zdravý spôsob života (správna životospráva, telesná a duševná hygiena).

Health care:

Medicine is a science concerned with sickness and health and health care means prevention and healing the body. Humans body consists of:

-important organs
-parts of the body
-parts of the leg
-parts of the arm
-parst of the hull
-on the face we have
-head is covered by hair and it contains brain

- In our life we often have to face common diseases like flu or cold. (+symptoms)
- disadvantage of progress – civilization diseases (astma, cancer, heart attack) – often incurable
- Injuries are damages of a body.
- accidents: during dangerous activities (fast driving, extreme sports) also during common activities (cooking)
- psychical state influences physical state of the body, because body and soul are connected
- mental diseases (depressions) – if we can not manage it ourselves – psychologist
- disabled people – blind, deaf, people on the wheelchair
- why visit doctor
- specialists: dentist, dermatologist, ear and throat specialist...
- chemist´s – medicine, pills for prescription, advice, healthy foodstuff

-in this busy age it´s not easy to keep healthy body, so we should try to choose the right way of life – healthy lifestyle

-healthy food

-doing sport

-managing stress (yoga, meditation)


Chemist´s = pharmacy
Obočie = eyebrows
Lýtko = calf
Stehno = thigh
Päta = heel
Lakeť = elbow
Trup = hull
Prsia = breast
Čelo = forehead
Mihalnice = lash
Chrbtica = spine
Dlaň = palm
Pečeň = liver
Ľadviny = kidneys
Nevyliečiteľné = incurable
Potraviny = foodstuff
Podobné referáty
Health Care GYM 2.9928 1095 slov
Health care GYM 2.9868 376 slov
Health care SOŠ 2.9448 1437 slov
Health Care GYM 2.9655 661 slov
Health care SOŠ 3.0004 181 slov
Health Care GYM 2.9767 327 slov
Health care SOŠ 2.9739 684 slov
Health care 2.9996 313 slov
Health care SOŠ 2.9570 423 slov
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