Health care
Starostlivosť o zdravie:
a) ľudské telo, b) bežné a ľudské civilizačné choroby, úrazy, telesné a fyzické stavy, návšteva u lekára, v lekárni, c) zdravý spôsob života (správna životospráva, telesná a duševná hygiena).
Health care:
Medicine is a science concerned with sickness and health and health care means prevention and healing the body. Humans body consists of:
-important organs -parts of the body -parts of the leg -parts of the arm -parst of the hull -on the face we have -head is covered by hair and it contains brain
- In our life we often have to face common diseases like flu or cold. (+symptoms) - disadvantage of progress – civilization diseases (astma, cancer, heart attack) – often incurable - Injuries are damages of a body. - accidents: during dangerous activities (fast driving, extreme sports) also during common activities (cooking) - psychical state influences physical state of the body, because body and soul are connected - mental diseases (depressions) – if we can not manage it ourselves – psychologist - disabled people – blind, deaf, people on the wheelchair - why visit doctor - specialists: dentist, dermatologist, ear and throat specialist... - chemist´s – medicine, pills for prescription, advice, healthy foodstuff
-in this busy age it´s not easy to keep healthy body, so we should try to choose the right way of life – healthy lifestyle
-healthy food
-doing sport
-managing stress (yoga, meditation)
Chemist´s = pharmacy Obočie = eyebrows Lýtko = calf Stehno = thigh Päta = heel Lakeť = elbow Trup = hull Prsia = breast Čelo = forehead Mihalnice = lash Chrbtica = spine Dlaň = palm Pečeň = liver Ľadviny = kidneys Nevyliečiteľné = incurable Potraviny = foodstuff