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Streda, 19. februára 2025
Internet Explorer
Dátum pridania: 13.10.2003 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: LLenka
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 044
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 3.2
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 0s

Edit menu:

 Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Find (on This Page)

These functions are the classical clipboard operators that use the Cut & Paste functions and search page for strings and whole words.

View menu:

 Toolbars, Status Bars, Explorer Bar
 Go to, Stop, Search
 Text Size, Encoding
 Source, Privacy Report
 Script Debugger, Full Screen, Java Console

Toolbars and other …bar options are used to control amount of menus displayed on the screen. Goto executes the link writen in the ADDRESS BAR and Stop stops the network processes of Internet Explorer. The most important part of this menu is the Text Size where user can set the size of the text standardly displayed. Encoding is very problematic feature of IE because once you set that your webpage is going to be displayed in Central European (ISO) and someone will view the page in Unicode, the surfing individual will not be able to read everything as long as his IE is not set to Autodetect and not even this always works, especially with our Slavic alphabet.

The other functions are not commonly used by ordinary users. They are used just to tune up some problematic webpages.


 Add to Favourities
 Organise Favourities

Favourities are the favourite links of the user. If user gets through a interesting or important website, the site may be stored by adding it to Favourities.

Tools menu:

 Mail and News, Synchronize, Windows Update
 Show Related Links
 Internet Options

Main and News are used to work with Outlook Express what is the email client – a sister application of IE. Synchronize is a function that helps user to synchronize the off-line stuff on the hard-drive so the off-line surfing becomes much faster. Internet Options:

This is a special category where user sets his settings and preferences so the IE works properly and suits the user’s needs.

The general tab has thre parts. The homepage, where user sets his homepage. Temporary internet files are files that are temporarily stored on user’s hard-drive. This makes the internet surfing faster and smoother. Cookies are special files where information are stored. These information contain messages or words that IE uses to help the user to browse faster. History is used to track all the sites where the user have been in past. This means that if you do not remember what website have you been to three days ago you may just have a look in the history files.

 Colors, Fonts, Languages, Accessibility

These menus are used to setup the outlook of the IE. For example user may change the color of toolbars to purple or the default font may be Arial and not the Times New Roman.

The security tab is used to setup the security options. For example how should be the LAN secured, what sites are restricted for the user (for example sites with content not suitable for children).
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Podobné referáty
Internet Explorer SOŠ 2.9475 618 slov
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