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Streda, 4. decembra 2024
Internet Marketing and Its Tools
Dátum pridania: 28.09.2004 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: chrupi
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 2 379
Referát vhodný pre: Gymnázium Počet A4: 8.1
Priemerná známka: 3.00 Rýchle čítanie: 13m 30s
Pomalé čítanie: 20m 15s

E-business, E-commerce and Internet Marketing
There are important differences among the terms from the heading. It is necessary to know what each one represents in order to fully understand the internet marketing.

E-business includes the use of electronic platforms like intranet, extranet and internet to operate all the company’s functions. Internet and IT technologies sharply improved the ability of companies to make these operations faster and more precise.

E-commerce is even more specific concept. Meanwhile, e-business consists of overall electronic exchange of information in the company, e-commerce is responsible only for sales and purchasing processes utilizing the electronic communication, especially Internet.

Internet Marketing
The idea of Internet marketing (or e-marketing) is included in the e-commerce concept. It is a sales part of the e-commerce. It takes care of communication, promotion and the actual sales of the products and services through Internet. E-commerce and the internet marketing bring a lot of advantages to the customers as well as to the sellers. The following segments describes some principal advantages.

Advantages for the Customers
There is quite a lot of reasons why internet shopping is good for the end users as well as for the companies. Customers will avoid traffic jams, looking for the parking place and wandering around the shops. They can easily compare offers from different electronic catalogues and web sites. Internet stores does not close, shopping is easy and private. There are not so many obstacles, customers do not need to communicate with the shop assistant or be confronted with the persuasion and emotional pressure.

Internet offers much broader selections of products. Web shops are not limited with the physical limits, they have almost unlimited range. There is also the possibility of comparing products in very convenient way that even the best shop assistant can not provide.

For example, offers a list of bestselling products, vast description of products, reviews from experts, opinions of customers and recommendations based on the previous purchases. Online shopping is interactive and immediate. Customers can often adjust the configuration of information, products and services according to their desires, and have them instantly available after that. They get better control over the processes thanks to the Internet.
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Zdroje: Allen G. Robert; Multiple Streams of Internet Income (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001), Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary; Marketing (Grada Publishing, 2004), Mitchell Allan, Marketing Week, 21st January 1999
Podobné referáty
Internet Marketing and Its Tools GYM 2.9402 2387 slov
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