Príslovia a porekadlá (slovenčina - angličtina)
p Príslovia a porekadlá
p Love makes the world go round. Láska hory prenáša. p Out of sight, out of mind. Zíde z očí, zíde z mysle. p Old love will not be forgotten. Stará láska nehrdzavie. p Lucky at cards – unlucky in love. Šťastie v kartách – nešťastie v láske. p A friend in need is a friend indeed. V núdzy poznáš priateľa. p Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Darovanému koňovi sa na zuby nepozerá. p Do not wash your dirty linen in public. Neper špinavé prádlo na verejnosti. p An Englishman’s home is his castle. Môj dom, môj hrad. p There is no place like home. / East or west, home is the best. Všade dobre, doma najlepšie. p Like father like son. Aký otec, taký syn. p Blood is thicker than blood. Nezaprie v sebe krv. p Tell me what company you keep and I will tell you, who you are. Povedz kto sú tvoji priatelia a ja ti poviem, aký si. p Variety is the spice of life. Zmena je život. p Patience and time overcomes all things. Trpezlivosť ruže prináša. p Slow but sure wins the race. Pomaly ďalej zájdeš. p Better late than never. Radšej neskôr ako nikdy. p Things are never as bad as they seem at first. / The devil is not as black as he is painted. Nič nie je také zlé ako sa zdá. p Customs make all things easy. Zvyk je železná košeľa. p Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Čo môžeš urobiť dnes, neodkladaj na zajtra. p There is no rule without exception. / Exception makes the rule. Výnimka potvrdzuje pravidlo. p First come first served. Kto prvý príde ten prv melie. p It would be like carrying coal to Newcastle. Je to ako nosiť drevo do lesa. p You can never tell. Jeden nikdy nevie. p Still waters run deep. Tichá voda brehy myje.