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Streda, 8. januára 2025
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Dátum pridania: 07.01.2008 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Wicked
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 9 814
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 31.3
Priemerná známka: 2.95 Rýchle čítanie: 52m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 78m 15s
Slot 3 - Primary Weapon

Available weapons vary by class. The weapon is dropped when the player dies, and it can be collected by any player able to use it (even if it is not otherwise available to their side).

Submachine guns

The MP40 and Thompson are available for all classes but Covert Ops, while the Sten is exclusively a Covert Op weapon.

* MP40 - Standard Axis automatic weapon. Thirty round magazine.
* M1A1 Thompson - Standard Allied automatic weapon. Thirty round magazine.
* Sten Mk.IIS - Standard Covert Ops automatic weapon. Thirty-two round magazine.
* Winchester M97 (Jaymod only) - 6 round pump shotgun usable by all classes except covert ops.

The MP40 and Thompson are identical except in appearance and sound. The two were different in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. They both do 18 damage from close range. The Sten is a suppressed submachine gun with a fast rate of fire that overheats after 16 bullets are fired non-stop (It does 14 damage per hit from close range). It's the most accurate of all automatic weapons in the game. All submachine guns deal 50 damage per headshot. The helmet absorbs 10 damage when getting hit to the head.

Heavy weapons

These weapons are only available to Soldiers, and many servers have restrictions which limit the total number of each that can be used on a team. All heavy weapons decrease walking speed when held, though speed returns to normal if you switch to the pistol, the knife or some other weapon. The Heavy Weapon skill at level 3 lowers the speed penalty when holding heavy weapons, and the flamethrower becomes as light to carry as any light weapon.

The Panzerfaust is sufficiently powerful that a direct hit guarantees death of the target, regardless of health in nearly all cases. However a sufficiently skilled and lucky player may survive if they have an engineer's flak jacket or a medic's adrenaline.

Panzerfaust - Rocket launcher. Long reload time, high damage, and a wide blast radius. Single-shot, but soldiers who select it spawn with four of them, and firing one costs a full power bar. When fired, the panzerfaust will make a distinctive 'whine' for a short time as it charges up, then launch its projectile in a straight line towards the target. It cannot be fired when prone, and if the bearer leans while preparing to fire, the shot will be canceled. Some players see this weapon as 'n00bish', while others see it as like any of the other heavy weapons. The Panzerfaust is extremely powerful, but with specific weaknesses that skilled players can use against the wielder, such as (in the Panzerfaust's case) the extremely long recharge time between shots and the second-long warning noise before the weapon fires. Despite the fact the Panzerfaust was an anti-tank weapon in the second World War, it's rather uneffective against vehicles in Enemy Territory. While tanks and trucks have 1200 "health", the Panzerfaust only deals 300-500 damage to them depending on where it hits. While most people tend to use this weapon in short range ( which are considered 'n00bish' as they usually inflict damage on their teammates as well as enemies ), some experienced players would use panzerfaust as a 'sniper rocket'. Unlike other FPS games such as Battlefield 1942, in which panzerfausts (or rocket launchers) are affected by gravity, in Wolfenstein ET the shot travels in a perfect straight line when fired. This allows a 'strategic shot' to be executed. For example in campaign Würzburg Radar, a defending heavy soldier could stay at the observation hut on top of the final spawn-point, and fire his shot whenever an Allies solider grabs a radar part (the big ! icon on top of that soldier makes this decisive shot a lot easier). Also in the campaign Fuel Dump, Allies soldiers can fire long range panzerfaust into the Axis depot, although this can be considered spawn-killing.

* Flamethrower - Short-range weapon, particularly dangerous indoors as it can deal large amounts of damage over a wide area. Fire damage continues to be dealt after the initial burn, even if the Soldier is killed. Very good for attracting enemy fire. There are 200 units of fuel, with no reload necessary. The weapon is best used behind corners or to close off narrow passageways, since it is otherwise easy to dodge, and the fire rebounds off walls. If used carelessly, it can easily ignite the bearer or their teammates - however with skill it can wreak havoc.
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