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Streda, 8. januára 2025
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Dátum pridania: 07.01.2008 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: Wicked
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 9 814
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 31.3
Priemerná známka: 2.95 Rýchle čítanie: 52m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 78m 15s
* Mortar - The Soldier must deploy the mortar (alternate fire) before it can be fired. Launches an explosive projectile in an arc, and costs half a power bar. When aimed properly, can hit almost anywhere from far away. Single shot before reload; Soldiers spawn with 12 shells. Mortar can deal the same maximum damage as the Panzerfaust, but has approximately twice the area of effect. Impact point is shown on Command Map. The weapon can be easier to use if a Field Ops class has placed a marker with his binoculars, or there is a Covert Ops spotting enemies.

When shooting from flat ground, the Mortar can be fired from 40 to 90 degrees. However, deploying the mortar in downhill enables the Soldier to fire the arc lower, even below 0 degrees. Deploying the weapon in uphill enables the player to fire the shell at an angle higher than 90 degrees, causing the arc to land behind the Soldier. In ET Pro 3.1.15 patch and newer, used in official wars and in the majority of other clan matches, the lowest possible angle is 20 degrees, improving realism

* MG42 - Bipod-mounted machinegun, intended to be deployed in a fixed position by going prone and selecting its alternate fire. It can be fired without first being deployed, but it has extremely poor accuracy under such conditions. When deployed, targeting is limited to a small area; it is possible to crawl, but only very slowly, and you cannot fire while doing so. The firing radius is only around 60 degrees when deployed, which makes the machine gunner very vulnerable to flanking attacks. The Mobile MG42 user should always choose a place where he is well covered, or at least his teammates should protect his back and sides. Slightly more accurate than the constructable MG42. The weapon overheats easily (like its stationary counterparts) and can only be reloaded once its 150-round ammunition belt has been used up. The MG42 fires 18 rounds per second with each shot doing 18 damage. It is impossible to get headshots with any MGs — a shot which hits a player's head is counted by the game engine as a body shot, and thus won't even cause a player to lose his or her helmet.

Scoped or silenced weapons

These are available only to Covert Ops.

* Silenced K43 rifle with scope - Axis only. Sniper rifle with scope attachment. High damage, ten round magazine. The sniper must stand or lie down still for the weapon to stop shaking. Time required decrease at Covert Operations level 3.

* Silenced M1 Garand rifle with scope - Allies only. Can only be reloaded after the magazine is completely empty (this is historically inaccurate) and has a smaller magazine (eight vs. the K43's ten). In the ET Pro mod, which is used in competitions and most public servers, the Garand is made identical to the K43, the only difference being the sound and appearance. Must be still for a long time to minimize sway. Time required decreases at Covert Operations level 3. Both silenced rifles deal 50 damage to the body and 100 damage to the head when using the scope. Without the scope they deal 34 damage to the body and 68 damage to the head. Helmets do not absorb damage from scoped shots.

* Sten Mk.IIS - Silenced automatic weapon. Accurate even at long range. Same fire rate as MP40 and Thompson but it has to be fired in bursts since it overheats after a continuous 16 shots of fire. Thirty-two round magazine. 14 damage to the torso, 50 to the head. 6 rounds per second.

* FG42 - Automatic weapon with scope, scope has only one level of zoom. Higher rate and damage compared to other automatics, twenty round magazine size, lower accuracy unless zoomed in. It is a very effective weapon in close-quarters combat. Recoil of the FG-42 (both in and out of scope) is greatly reduced when level 3 covert op is achieved. 15 damage to the torso, 50 to the head. 9 rounds per second when shooting automatic fire.

Note that if silenced weapon is fired out of the enemies' sight, covert ops do not lose their disguise.

Rifles with grenade launcher

These are available to Engineers only.

* K43 rifle with grenade launcher - Axis only.
* M1 Garand rifle with grenade launcher - Allies only. Can only be reloaded after the magazine is completely empty (this is a historical inaccuracy) and has a smaller magazine (eight vs. the K43's ten). In the ET Pro mod, which is used in competitions and most public servers, the Garand is made identical to the K43, the only difference being the sound and appearance.
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