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Streda, 5. februára 2025
Shopping and services
Dátum pridania: 19.10.2007 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: lucy147
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 372
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 4.3
Priemerná známka: 2.98 Rýchle čítanie: 7m 10s
Pomalé čítanie: 10m 45s
Some other services:
-Shoes repairs
-Photo coppie
-Window cleaners

Repairman, also called „odd job men“, electricians, gardeners, window cleaners, painters and decorators, plumbers, domestic cleaners (called „daily helps“) and child-minders (women who look after children during the day while the parents are at work) also often advertise their services in this way. Services are also advertised in the „classified ads“ section of local newspapers.
Many services can be ordered by telephone and a special telephone directory, the „Yellow Pages“; lists firms according to the services they provide. You can order a cooked meal to be delivered from a Chinese restaurant or a pizza restaurant. If you want to send a present to someone, you can arrange for chocolates, flowers, etc. to be delivered. Many of these delivery services use motorcycles.

Shops and offices in town centers provide services such as dry cleaning, shoe repairs, photocopying and the use of fax machines. In launderettes you can wash and dry clothes in coin-operated machines. The are estate agencies for buying and selling houses, letting agencies for finding rented accommodation and employment agencies for finding a job. Some employment agencies specialize in a particular kind of job, for example secretarial jobs.


All kinds of advertisement (street billboards, catchy jingles on tv and radio, pictures in magazines and newspapers,..) try to attract our attention and introduce new products and ideas. Advertisers make us believe we can realise our ambitions quickly and easily, only if we will use (of course, it means buy) their product. So, advertisers want us to spend money on their products.
But there are also advantages. Advertising is informative, increases demand, stimulates industry and keeps prices down.

When advertisers want to create successful advertisement, they use methods that help to sell new products:
-famous or well-known people promote certain products by saying that they use these products.
-average people in everyday situations are often shown using a certain product.
-advertising says that everybody buys a certain product.
-Advertising shows a very special idea, feeling, person or situation. It can transfer your good feelings to the product.
“Jingles” are tunes created for commercials that stick in your ear and you hum the melody over and over, hopefully “hypnotizing” you into buying the products.


Wherever the customers enter they are welcomed by shop assistants who are ready to help them. Unfortunately, this is not true in every one shop, altough there are two famous sayings: “The customer is always right“ and “The customer is king“.
I have a lot of experiences with shop assistants. Some of them are good but I had already met with shop assistants who were unwilling and inconvenient, and when I wanted to pay for the goods they scowled at me. I don´t like to be watched when I am looking around in shops. Some shop assistants follow you on every your step, because they think you want to steal something. I hate that!!! In my opinion it is the mistake, because they can lose a customer this way. And all of us know that the store can´t continue with working without it´s customers! Maybe unkind shop assistants are the reason why I like to do my shoppings in large department stores with self-service…


When you want to pay for a goods which you buy, you can pay in cash, or there is a possibility to use a credit card. Some kinds of shops offers an installment credit, it is used when you buy something which is really expensive. At buying a new car there is possibility of leasing. Nowadays people don´t have to go out of their houses when they need to do the shoppings. I am sure every one of you had ever got a catalogue which offered goods, for example clothes, office aids, and so on. There are also catalogues offering cosmetics, like ORIFLAME or AVON. Personally I like to buy cosmetics from catalogues, and whenever I have some pocket money, the cosmetics is one of the things I buy.

The internet offers us a possibility of shopping, too. It is enough when you click on a mouse, then put on a number of your account and the goods will be delivered right on your address in a few days.
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