Angličtina Slovíčka - School
Sophomore: študent druhého ročníka vysokej školy Freschmen: Curriculum: osnova: The course of study at a university or school Extra curricular: mimoškolské záujmy Graduate: absolvent univerzity: someone, who passes university examination and receives degree Diploma: diplom: a written statement conferring a degree, confirming a pass in an examination Degree: diplom za univerzitu: a certificate given by examination or given as an honour Thesis: dizertačná práca: a long piece of written work on topic, often part of university degree Corporal punishment: telesné tresty: psychical punishment by beating Suspended: vylúčiť (na chvíľu), zbaviť miesta: to take away a job for a time Expelled: vylúčiť: to send away in disgrace.