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Štvrtok, 6. februára 2025
Louis Pasteur biography
Dátum pridania: 03.03.2002 Oznámkuj: 12345
Autor referátu: tungsten
Jazyk: Angličtina Počet slov: 1 028
Referát vhodný pre: Stredná odborná škola Počet A4: 3.2
Priemerná známka: 2.97 Rýchle čítanie: 5m 20s
Pomalé čítanie: 8m 0s
“ I beseech you to take interest in these sacred domains so expressively called laboratories. Ask that there be more and that they be adorned for these are temples of the future, wealth and well-being. It is here that humanity will grow, strengthen and improve. Here, humanity will learn to read progress and individual harmony in the work of nature, while humanity’s own works are all to often those of barbarism, fanaticism and destruction.” Louis Pasteur.
Louis Pasteur, the founder of microbiology was born in a poor family. But he studied hard to get a good education. So he helped the world with things like the souring of milk or the fermentation of wine or beer for the treatment for killing painful diseases such as rabies. Louis Pasteur was born in Dôle in France on 27th December 1822 and was brought up in nearby town of Arbois in family of tanner with poor education, Jean Pasteur. Louis wasn’t an outstanding student in his years of elementary education. Rather than learning, he went fishing or drawing. His portraits were so great that he could easily become an artist. His father didn’t want Louis to end up as an artist. But Louis was more interested in scientific subjects as chemistry and biology. After graduation he decided to be teacher, but he went to École Normale Superieure in Paris. He did his first work on molecular asymmetry, bringing together principles of chemistry, crystallography and optics. That was the basis for a new science – stereochemistry. In 1857 he returned back to École Normale as a director of scientific studies. In 1867 he became a professor at Sorbonne University. And finally in 1888 he became a director of Pasteur Institute, which was found for further research in microbiology. He died on September 28th 1895 after several strokes. During his life he did great job for the world. Another research project after crystallography in the year 1847, was his work on the fermentation process. A French distiller named Bigo asked Pasteur, whether he could find out why alcohol becomes contaminated with unknown substances during the fermentation process. He demonstrated that the fermentation process is always linked to specific a microorganism or ferment. This is the basis of microbiology. The wine souring was a source of large losses in the French wine industry. At Napoleon III’s request Pasteur went to the vineyards in the place, where grew up, in Arbois in 1864.
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